Does Occupy Wall Street have a homeless problem?

Rat Rods Rule

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''SARCASM: just one of his many talents.''
Apr 12, 2009
wet side, washington state
funny that the 99 0/0 that are for equality are complaining about the real people who are down and out.

its ruining there little paradise some protesters are saying.

me, ya l think something needs to change, but until the masses have one voice and one goal it will never happen.

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We have a similar bandwagon jumping protest here and the best I saw was some guy walking around the outside of the camp with an 'Occupy a job' sign.:D
I grew up with the idea that if you worked hard you could be successful. If you worked smart too, you could be very successful. 'Could be' guarantees. Life is like that - not fair, no guarantees. I don't understand how blaming someone already successful will make me more successful?
Im still trying to figure out how it differs from communism[S

I think what people are upset about isnt capitalism but crony capitalism and state capitalism.
We've been brainwashed into thinking any form of capitalism is good and better than communism or socialism

communism is state capitalism where the government seizes business. makes it their own and runs it. all failures and success of the business reflects on the politicians in charge.

Socialism is chikken **** communism
the politicians don't directly manage but do so by law and regulation. they don't directly profit from business success nor do they suffer from failure.
they profit from success indirectly through taxation and they are shielded from loss since unlike the communists they don't actually own the company they just order it around and take it's money.

both Socialism and Communism are state capitalism and are fascist from I think Italian for face...or facade fascism is communism ans socialism reversed. it is where business orders the state around, enrichens the politicians and gets them elected and the state protects the business from competition.

America has grown into some variant of State Capitalism and Fascism where the local state and federal government invests their general funds and their health and retirement funds in corporations which in turn get tax advantages and easing of regulation.
Sovereign investment money managers, your personal retirement accounts, insurance companies etc also all invest in these corporations.
when treason prospers none dare call it treason
the only folks not benefiting are the individual businessmen and private family corporations who chose to invest in and grow their own business' not investing in the business enriching politicians

the simplest way to understand it is:
+In China and Russia the government nationalized industry...
+In America the government bought into a class of business and through regulation and taxation enabled it while handicapping business the law forbids public finds from being invested in.

I think they call it "a piece of the action" which at one time was illegal in America

there isn't any conspiracy to do this....
it is simply the disodered associations of like interests

In America the founders believed the purpose for the government was primarily
...for national defense and individual security.
defense being preventing other countries from attacking us (see the word taking in attacking?)
Security being holding people to their word like with contracts and enforcing universal standards such as equal protection of the law and weights and measures.
That it do only what's necessary that the people individually are incapable of doing for themselves

... not creating privilege
... not infringing liberty

Is our Law to protect us equally and rule over our government?
Or is our law to be like the law of the rest of the world reaching back into all history.... to be the protector of government and to rule over the people?

Are we Citizens? or Subjects?

Are they (our elected representatives and the whole beurocratic mess of do-gooder interlopers lol) off the reservation"?
John Boehner

John Boehner said the republican party needed to subvert these tea party libertarians and use them to get republicans elected but prevent them from having any power.

John Boehner isn't tea party he's Neo Con
I grew up with the idea that if you worked hard you could be successful. If you worked smart too, you could be very successful. 'Could be' guarantees. Life is like that - not fair, no guarantees. I don't understand how blaming someone already successful will make me more successful?

Because the american worker now has a sense of entitlement. Everyone owes them something!
The Commies and Socialists are behind this whole deal...trying to tear this country apart and turn neighbor against neighbor... saw it in the 60's.

Run by many of the same weirdos who were students back then and now are professors filling these kids minds with a lot of crap.

The folks who experienced what real Communism and Socialism was like are laughing at these nuts...they have no idea what they are asking for. They could never live in that system themselves.... ask anyone who grew up in the former Soviet Bloc.....
Survey says: "Give Me Ron Paul!" Actually it will take a long time to get this Country "Back to the Basics" and I fear that it will take extreme measures to do so. The people (mostly liberals) with the "entitlement flu" need to be cured...I'd say two years for each of them in socialist country should do the trick. In my short life span I've paid attention to the slow decline in our Country's principles and value system. The occupiers of Wall Street fit right in line with that. It saddens me to think the values that many of us on this forum grew up on are going to be extinguished in the not so distance future and replaced with (for lack of a better term) a bunch of cry babies that don't know their ear hole from the other hole.

Just my $.02 + taxes equals: $55.02 :D

Kitchen Volunteer's Sex Assault Arrest Shocks

Kitchen Volunteer's Sex Assault Arrest Shocks

The Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park has had to deal with its share of undesirable behavior, from uncooperative drummers to a drug-related arrest, but Wednesday saw the most serious criminal allegations yet, as a volunteer in the encampment's kitchen has been arrested for sexual assault and rape. The 26-year-old volunteer, a Crown Heights man named Tonye Iketubosin, was known in the kitchen as Tonye Parks, one cooking colleague told Gothamist. "He was a genuinely nice guy...he came to get **** done," kitchen volunteer Beau Sibbing told the news blog. But after two different women reported he had raped one and groped another, his fellow volunteers told him to leave.
After word had spread of the alleged assaults, Iketubosin was told not to come to kitchen meetings and to stay away from the park, "but he kept coming." Sibbing said that around 9 p.m. last night "a whole bunch of people came and made him leave the park. Then the NYPD picked him up. I wasn't sure if it was for his own safety or if he was being arrested."
Before his arrest, Iketubosin denied he assaulted either of his 18-year-old accusers, Sibbing said. He "was adamant that it wasn't him." One woman told police she had gotten into an argument with her tent-mate at 6 a.m. Saturday, and had met Iketubosin when she left. "He offered to let her sleep in his tent, saying he had to go work in the park’s makeshift kitchen," The Wall Street Journal reported. "The alleged victim took Iketubosin up on his offer and went to sleep. But she said she soon awoke to find Iketubosin removing her pants, the [unnamed law enforcement] official said. She told police she asked him to stop, but he didn’t comply. Then he raped her, the official said." The other woman says Iketubosin helped her set up her tent on the evening of Oct. 24, then snuck in early the next morning and groped her until she pushed him away.

this thing is goona backfire or blow up in there face like 2 dollar car.

It's not going to work because like so many other protests, it's against some fabled boogyman/men that are vaguely 'evil' and must be stopped/changed/taught a lesson, but the reality is most are stabbing at the shadows of their own shortcomings and failures. This is what happened to the 'everyone is a winner' children.

If I fall, I pick myself up and try again.

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