Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012 ??WTF?

Rat Rods Rule

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You might be interested in knowing we've all inherited probably about 10-20 trillion in debt from the banks hidden derivative positions and you can thank your good old Uncle W. W and all his elitist buddies will be sipping martinis on their yachts while we're all fighting each other for a loaf of bread and an apple. Glad I live out in the country and raise my own food and livestock.


I'm sure "Uncle W" isn't an complete innocent bystander but he proposed legislation 10 times to try to stop this. 10 times and was shot down. You can't blame this on him alone. You add all that up and it doesn't come close to what "change" has come about in the past 40 days. Uncle "O" is going to sell us out just to bring the lower class up and the upper class down. When the government starts owning the banks and large investment houses, it isn't a good thing. How did that work for Russia? It won't work here, plain and simple. The man is dangerous and were in trouble.
Before the election I heard on this site and other sites guys who i would clasify as good solid Americans say I'm voting for Obama because anything will be better than Bush . How do you guys feel now,anybody having buyers remorse.
Before the election I heard on this site and other sites guys who i would clasify as good solid Americans say I'm voting for Obama because anything will be better than Bush . How do you guys feel now,anybody having buyers remorse.

Good question.

There are some regulars here at RRR who have not spoke up on this subject yet. Where are you guys and what do you think about this?

No coping out and saying this is not the place for this kind of discussion. Thats not true. It is a very good place for this kind of discussion.

Speak up guys, love to here some stuff from another perspective.
Good question.

There are some regulars here at RRR who have not spoke up on this subject yet. Where are you guys and what do you think about this?

No coping out and saying this is not the place for this kind of discussion. Thats not true. It is a very good place for this kind of discussion.

Speak up guys, love to here some stuff from another perspective.

Like I said you need to know the difference between History and Conspiracy the latter is now of which speak, and I have no interest it that discussion. That is TRUE fear mongering.
I'd actually like to hear what some of our NON-U.S. members think. The economic downturn is not exclusive to the USA. The car burnings in Germany are an initiation of what is to come. We can complain about Dubya this and Obie that, but other countries are likely to suffer in a similar fashion to us.

This is an unprecedented time in history. Obie's narcissistic personality is either going to crush the freedoms of this country, or it may be the only constant to which we can maintain order. Not that my opinion matters, but I would lean toward the former of those options. What scares me most is that he has a blind Senate majority to back him.:eek:

I didn't vote for either candidate, as I refuse to make a decision based upon the "lesser of two evils"; I may have to rethink that philosophy.:mad:

Just a sidenote: during a pre-election interview, when asked about gun rights, Obie was quoted saying that "the only thing I believe in more than the Bible is the Bill of Rights". :confused:
Right on

He's right. The simple truth is that everyone has an opinion and that's what this country is about, and needs to stay that way. We can even build hot rods anyway we want. But, facts are facts and the better informed you are the better prepared you'll be. Wether you like our leaders or not, pay attention to what they're doing and voice your opinion. We're all in this together.
I'd actually like to hear what some of our NON-U.S. members think. The economic downturn is not exclusive to the USA. The car burnings in Germany are an initiation of what is to come. We can complain about Dubya this and Obie that, but other countries are likely to suffer in a similar fashion to us.

This is an unprecedented time in history. Obie's narcissistic personality is either going to crush the freedoms of this country, or it may be the only constant to which we can maintain order. Not that my opinion matters, but I would lean toward the former of those options. What scares me most is that he has a blind Senate majority to back him.:eek:

I didn't vote for either candidate, as I refuse to make a decision based upon the "lesser of two evils"; I may have to rethink that philosophy.:mad:

Just a sidenote: during a pre-election interview, when asked about gun rights, Obie was quoted saying that "the only thing I believe in more than the Bible is the Bill of Rights". :confused:
Yes, gotta hear both sides. I have a close friend that lives in another state now. He looked at all this stuff and is not quite ready to buy into the "run for the hills" thinking but he is taking it serously.

He said to me a few days ago " Jim, I have known you a long time. This clearly is your latest obession, slow down and check the facts out carefully" :eek:

Ya know, he's right.

I have calmed down a bit but have not found anything to make me think really bad stuff is not coming to us in the near future. The current events are bad enough. What happens next?

Love to hear some argument to the contrary but it must be backed up with some logic and facts.
A few things I see:
Obama's history is largely rhetoric with no substance.
Obama is a lawyer and will 'technicality' his way around anything.
Chicago-style politics don't work well in D.C. (they find you out)
As POTUS, he now has to produce. (uh-oh!)
He is quickly reversing campaign promises as reality takes hold (already was after his Dem nomination).
He is making newbe mistakes, missteps, and blunders.
The Dem controlled congress is out of control without a Pres. to reign them in.
The Republicans are essentially letting (not much they can do) the Dem party implode, planning for 2010.
Obama has made big promises to big groups that he can't easily reverse or ignore (Guantanamo, Card-check, etc.)

**Hope and Change** - The simpleton masses of followers will quickly feel disenfranchised by his failure to come through on his rhetoric, so therefore, he must continue down a path he knows is not good for the country - if he hopes for re-election, he must live the lie.

Markets want stable government. They want to know what the rules are going to be in the future. Uncertainty brings bear markets. Bear markets bring low investment and slow growth. The Democrats are oozing uncertainty in every direction. That is the biggest problem for the economy right now - you can't play the game well if you don't know the rules.

Obama would like to do things right for the country - he truly believed his rhetoric. But now he's finding out that putting it into practice ain't that easy.

My question is: Who is going to play Ronald Reagan to this Jimmy Carter in 2012? This coming 4 years is already shaping up to be a loss.
A few things I see:
Obama's history is largely rhetoric with no substance.
Obama is a lawyer and will 'technicality' his way around anything.
Chicago-style politics don't work well in D.C. (they find you out)
As POTUS, he now has to produce. (uh-oh!)
He is quickly reversing campaign promises as reality takes hold (already was after his Dem nomination).
He is making newbe mistakes, missteps, and blunders.
The Dem controlled congress is out of control without a Pres. to reign them in.
The Republicans are essentially letting (not much they can do) the Dem party implode, planning for 2010.
Obama has made big promises to big groups that he can't easily reverse or ignore (Guantanamo, Card-check, etc.)

**Hope and Change** - The simpleton masses of followers will quickly feel disenfranchised by his failure to come through on his rhetoric, so therefore, he must continue down a path he knows is not good for the country - if he hopes for re-election, he must live the lie.

Markets want stable government. They want to know what the rules are going to be in the future. Uncertainty brings bear markets. Bear markets bring low investment and slow growth. The Democrats are oozing uncertainty in every direction. That is the biggest problem for the economy right now - you can't play the game well if you don't know the rules.

Obama would like to do things right for the country - he truly believed his rhetoric. But now he's finding out that putting it into practice ain't that easy.

My question is: Who is going to play Ronald Reagan to this Jimmy Carter in 2012? This coming 4 years is already shaping up to be a loss.

Brother Fear, when the time comes, just say "Pass the salt Please."
A few things I see:
Obama's history is largely rhetoric with no substance.
Obama is a lawyer and will 'technicality' his way around anything.
Chicago-style politics don't work well in D.C. (they find you out)
As POTUS, he now has to produce. (uh-oh!)
He is quickly reversing campaign promises as reality takes hold (already was after his Dem nomination).
He is making newbe mistakes, missteps, and blunders.
The Dem controlled congress is out of control without a Pres. to reign them in.
The Republicans are essentially letting (not much they can do) the Dem party implode, planning for 2010.
Obama has made big promises to big groups that he can't easily reverse or ignore (Guantanamo, Card-check, etc.)

You have got to be kidding me here. The guys only been in office a little more than a month and your already blaming him for not being able to clean up baby bush's incredibly unbelievable mess. Give the guy a break, baby bush and his elitist pals let us totally bankrupt and with what will probably wind up being the "real" great depression. If we are even able to pull out of this mess it will be an absolute and total miracle. We're here because of the failed policies of gwb, period. I hate both parties but pray to God somehow what they're doing will keep us from total disaster, this is as serious as it gets. If you think we're not in a depression, you better pull your head out!

We have been in a depression. But the Goverment does not want to say it.

Around here people are losing there house at 60 per month, That one county alone the nest county is just as bad.

Some companies ask there worker to take a 48 per cent cut in there pay. Ouch. Alot of people around here are on there second or third tear of unemployment.

Peoples pension are in the dump. even retired people had a cut in there pension. Work all your life and then when you retire you take a cut in your pension, Ouch.

Like I said, something is not right this time.

And what scares is that everyone is looking for some miracle. And they are looking to Obama to do it.

The one that gets me is he signs the biggest bill of money every. then the follow week he said hes going to cut the debt. You till me how thats going to heppen?

Taxing the rich is not going to work. They have the money to stop that.

Facts are Fact. Look them up. Bush tried to stop it 10 times, All you have to do is not take sides and look at the facts. The truth will set you free brother....

A few things I see:
Obama's history is largely rhetoric with no substance.
Obama is a lawyer and will 'technicality' his way around anything.
Chicago-style politics don't work well in D.C. (they find you out)
As POTUS, he now has to produce. (uh-oh!)
He is quickly reversing campaign promises as reality takes hold (already was after his Dem nomination).
He is making newbe mistakes, missteps, and blunders.
The Dem controlled congress is out of control without a Pres. to reign them in.
The Republicans are essentially letting (not much they can do) the Dem party implode, planning for 2010.
Obama has made big promises to big groups that he can't easily reverse or ignore (Guantanamo, Card-check, etc.)

**Hope and Change** - The simpleton masses of followers will quickly feel disenfranchised by his failure to come through on his rhetoric, so therefore, he must continue down a path he knows is not good for the country - if he hopes for re-election, he must live the lie.

Markets want stable government. They want to know what the rules are going to be in the future. Uncertainty brings bear markets. Bear markets bring low investment and slow growth. The Democrats are oozing uncertainty in every direction. That is the biggest problem for the economy right now - you can't play the game well if you don't know the rules.

Obama would like to do things right for the country - he truly believed his rhetoric. But now he's finding out that putting it into practice ain't that easy.

My question is: Who is going to play Ronald Reagan to this Jimmy Carter in 2012? This coming 4 years is already shaping up to be a loss.

You have got to be kidding me here. The guys only been in office a little more than a month and your already blaming him for not being able to clean up baby bush's incredibly unbelievable mess. Give the guy a break, baby bush and his elitist pals let us totally bankrupt and with what will probably wind up being the "real" great depression. If we are even able to pull out of this mess it will be an absolute and total miracle. We're here because of the failed policies of gwb, period. I hate both parties but pray to God somehow what they're doing will keep us from total disaster, this is as serious as it gets. If you think we're not in a depression, you better pull your head out!

You have got to be kidding me here. The guys only been in office a little more than a month and your already blaming him for not being able to clean up baby bush's incredibly unbelievable mess. Give the guy a break, baby bush and his elitist pals let us totally bankrupt and with what will probably wind up being the "real" great depression. If we are even able to pull out of this mess it will be an absolute and total miracle. We're here because of the failed policies of gwb, period. I hate both parties but pray to God somehow what they're doing will keep us from total disaster, this is as serious as it gets. If you think we're not in a depression, you better pull your head out!


Nothing you quoted from my previous post lays blame on PBO for the mess we are in. I am stating observations, not accusations of what has or is happening. The only thing I see quoted that could have been interpreted as bashing him are
"He is making newbe mistakes, missteps, and blunders.
The Dem controlled congress is out of control without a Pres. to reign them in.
The first is reference to his poorly vetted picks for cabinet positions, and other missteps (like the 'buy American' law) he has gotten backlash on and has had to quickly retreat from.
The second refers to congress more than Obama, since it is they that see this as a chance to pass anything without much fight from the White House as compared to the last 2 years. Even then, a veto is likely to get overturned - PBO has little to do with it.

And yes, Bush is to blame for some of this mess, along with Congress and those that came before them. When it comes to the military, matters of national defense, and international dealings, it is the President who shoulders much of the responsibility, but it is Congress that takes the bigger responsibility on the home-front. It may be Obama's plan going in to Congress, but it's something entirely different coming out. Just as Bush didn't veto anything his early years, Obama looks to be planning to make the same mistake.

I think I'm starting to ramble....
Can't stop!

The most basic problem is RISK. We as a nation and as individuals have taken on too much risk. Letting it all ride on the future instead of building on hard work and sensibly saving. Taking on DEBT is simply betting on your future ability to pay it off - as an individual or a country. In the end the debt will be payed by someone by either hard work, misery, or blood shed and the last 2 really only transfer the debt to someone else. Think about that.

One other thing - LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Never has been, never will be. Try to make it so and it will come back and bite you twice as hard. Particularly so in government. The more inequities they try to fix, the more screwed up something else becomes. If every one is a winner, there are no losers, therefore I must be a victim? Oh, someone 'owes' a victim....more debt.

Hard work and personal responsibility are the only things that will 'FIX' the state of this country. Transferring debt from one person to another will not.

Again I ramble....
There has been a lot of mistakes going way back. Yes, Bush made some, clinton made some, and they go back farther than that. Fanny may, Freddie mac, Federal Reserve bank, FDR, Nixon, the list can go on and on. All that has left us here and Obama has his hands full for sure.

I wouldnt want to be in his shoes, but he asked for it.

I think he would like to fix everything, but, he, IMO, is making the biggest mistakes in the history of this country. Time will tell.

Blame Bush for what he has inheritade, and you are missing the mark and very short sighted. Bush is nothing more than the most recent mistake maker (untill now).
I think you are right on and I agree almost completely. It is just unfair to lay it all on Bush. Partial fault, I agree. Total, no way. Congress is simply corupt, most of them and they are still there. Obama talks in generalities with NO substance and is simply doing "On the job training" and learning fast. He is brilliant I think, but his ideas are Socialist. Fact. My personal belief is in hard work and hand outs for only the truly needy. Not the lazy. The debt being imposed now is a multi-generational debt. Think hard on that. Bush didn't do that, Obama did. There is no way we are EVER going to pay it off.
Now I'm rambling. Bottom line, we agree on the bottom line. How we get there, no one knows. I just don't believe we are on the right road.

Can't stop!

The most basic problem is RISK. We as a nation and as individuals have taken on too much risk. Letting it all ride on the future instead of building on hard work and sensibly saving. Taking on DEBT is simply betting on your future ability to pay it off - as an individual or a country. In the end the debt will be payed by someone by either hard work, misery, or blood shed and the last 2 really only transfer the debt to someone else. Think about that.

One other thing - LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Never has been, never will be. Try to make it so and it will come back and bite you twice as hard. Particularly so in government. The more inequities they try to fix, the more screwed up something else becomes. If every one is a winner, there are no losers, therefore I must be a victim? Oh, someone 'owes' a victim....more debt.

Hard work and personal responsibility are the only things that will 'FIX' the state of this country. Transferring debt from one person to another will not.

Again I ramble....
Can't stop!

The most basic problem is RISK. We as a nation and as individuals have taken on too much risk. Letting it all ride on the future instead of building on hard work and sensibly saving. Taking on DEBT is simply betting on your future ability to pay it off - as an individual or a country. In the end the debt will be payed by someone by either hard work, misery, or blood shed and the last 2 really only transfer the debt to someone else. Think about that.

One other thing - LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Never has been, never will be. Try to make it so and it will come back and bite you twice as hard. Particularly so in government. The more inequities they try to fix, the more screwed up something else becomes. If every one is a winner, there are no losers, therefore I must be a victim? Oh, someone 'owes' a victim....more debt.

Hard work and personal responsibility are the only things that will 'FIX' the state of this country. Transferring debt from one person to another will not.

Again I ramble....

...and I'm gonna ramble with you.:D

I agree, and need to add one thing to my last post. The American people have a nack for screwing things up too. Like feeling entitled, too much debt, voting with their hearts and not there heads, not understanding what makes this country great (Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.)

Done ranting..... Next:D
...and I'm gonna ramble with you.:D

I agree, and need to add one thing to my last post. The American people have a nack for screwing things up too. Like feeling entitled, too much debt, voting with their hearts and not there heads, not understanding what makes this country great (Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.)

Done ranting..... Next:D

THAT is actually the only thing I blame on Bush. Those are the two documents he and his clones tried to wipe out! He really wanted to be King ya know.
Obama talks in generalities with NO substance and is simply doing "On the job training" and learning fast. He is brilliant I think, but his ideas are Socialist. Fact. My personal belief is in hard work and hand outs for only the truly needy. Not the lazy. The debt being imposed now is a multi-generational debt. Think hard on that. Bush didn't do that, Obama did. There is no way we are EVER going to pay it off.

Let me again repeat for those who still don't get it. NO ONE with the exception of a sitting or ex-President has the experience PERIOD.
All those "Hand outs" You had better believe a person will need to qualify for actually disqualify From work, because IF you can work There'll be a Job available on New Highways, Windmill farms, solar fields etc etc Let THE MAN WORK it ain't gonna happen overnight lets see YOU do it any faster, as fast as Obama has been it still ain't fast enough for ya huh? Then tell your congressman to get the **** outta his way and let him work.
Listen to this.
Then listen to some other things Ruff has to say.
Do some reaserch, dont have to look hard, and then you tell me what you think.
There are very easy conclusions to the current actions of Obama and the whole thing is and has been set up to go down exactly that way.

I am cashing in on things and buying gold.
Inflation is going to go through the roof in the coming year.

Some say (todays price just above $900 an oz.) $2000 an oz others say up to $8000 an oz.

Money in the stock market today is stupid.
Money in CD's today is going to take an inflationary hit big time.


What do you guys think about that?
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