Guys, thanks for the really nice word, the pictures, and all of your concern. This is the first time I have been able to sit down at the computer, and wanted to thank all of you and to say hi.
Today was a better day than yesterday. I have home healthcare coming by 3 times a week , or more, and those people are sadistic.

They think I should be able to walk a mile by next Monday...……….I couldn't walk a mile on my best day, let alone after all of this. They are going to get what they get.
My ex wife (who is an RN) has been fantastic, spending from about 10 am to 6 pm with me every day. So have Dan and Don, I literally could not have made it through this without the 3 of them.
As I get stronger, I will be able to sit down here and shoot the breeze more. I miss all of you.
Take care, Don