Don't ever get a DUI.

Rat Rods Rule

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what is really sad about the original story, don, is that apparently the accident wasn't even your friends fault...

as far as driving while drinking or after drinking, the whole country goes through "phases" of what is PC (politically correct) or not...for example only 20-30 years ago smoking was "cool" but now it is almost considered as bad as incest to the PC crowd...the tv shows will reference smoking dope more than cigs as it seems to not be as taboo as smoking the cigs -go figure?

the PC crowd that attacks the "working class" for having a few after work or at dinner does the same thing-they just know how to avoid getting caught...

which literally means the whole "designated driver" a cab or whatever, should be considered as "a legit way to avoid it all"....

compared to all the hassle, expenses and possible jail time a DUI threatens a guy with-as don already said and others as well--it ain't worth it!!

be careful out there guys
damn my buddy is pretty lucky and most of had a good lawyer and a nice judge the same thing happen to him had to go to jail but the first time he had court he got his DUI dropped to a Negligent 2nd, no classes no stupid breather thing. The courts need to looks at cases harder than they do, usually they only put the breathers in the cars if you've had charges before for drinking.
She was telling me that in one of the classes they were discussing the Interlock Device that is put on the cars where you have to blow to start them. She said the instructor told them MADD is pushing to have ALL new cars come with one so that no one can drive with any alcohol in their system! Yeah, that will happen!! :rolleyes: But it just goes to show how far these do gooders will go in the name of "If you aren't guilty, what do you have to worry about?"

If you pass any restaurant or night spot on any night of the week, how do we think all of those cars are getting home? Designated Drivers? Maybe in 5% of the cases. From seeing how every step of this process has cost my friend, I have no doubt it is all about the money. If you removed that revenue from the program it wouldn't exist.

I think you guys are right about the money angle. My "no good" brother, 18 years younger than me has had 8 DUI's Never paid a fine. He served two workhouse terms. Both only 15 days because he went out on work details. He has never had a formal job; works for cash. Gets every kind of government assistance he can find. Lost his license for life but drives anyway. What can they do to him if they catch him? Another short stint in the workhouse. They need the jail space for more serious criminals.
I wondered the same thing about what if you had some unusual car to put one of these on. As far as bypassing it, if you try and they catch you your license is pulled immediately, you are fined, and you start the whole thing over again.

Since she can't blow hard enough to start her car the only miles it gets on it is once a month when I drive it for her to the Interlock place so they can download any info it has inside it, and for that they charge her $ 80 each time. The last time we were taking it there the alarm went off when I was sitting at a red light, so I had to blow and hum into it to keep it running. The light changed and people behind me were honking for me to get moving. :mad: This contraption is the very worst I have even seen. I can't even begin to describe how much of a pain it is. When I take her for groceries she always wants me to take her car so it gets used a little, but I never do because I hate that D*** thing!!!!!!!:mad:

And this will be going on until MAY!!!!!!

This just happened New Years Day. Good friends of our family, there 23 year old daughter was out partying New Years Eve. Had way way to much to drink. Left the party about 4:30 AM New Years Day. On her way she crossed the median of a 4 lane side swiped 3 on coming cars and finally hit one dead head on. They had to fly her and the other guy in the car she hit to the hospital. Both of them survived. I have not heard much about the other guy. She has a broken pelvis, several broken ribs a punctured lung, but she will survive. Now yesterday she was in court with 4 felony counts against her and looking at 1-5 years on each charge.

The was registered in dads name still, so we hope he has big insurance to cover all of this.

A sad sad end to a party, and a hell of way to start the new year.
Ouch, that is really horrible, and points up why these laws are in place in the first place.

Yesterday I had to take my daily into the shop because I thought it was running warm (long story, but after they kept it for a day they tell me newer Cadillacs are designed to run at 210-213 normally :eek: Guess I am living in the past :eek:) Anyway, she lent me her car to use while mine is in the shop, and last night I was going to the shop to feed the stray cats, and I, of course, had to use that d*** breathalizer thing to get her car started. I blew, and got a "LOCK OUT" code on the display. I knew I hadn't drunk anything, so wtf is going on? Then it dawned on me, I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash before I went out to the car. Even mouthwash, oranges, or chocolate will set the thing off! :eek:

So I came back in the house, drank some milk and washed my mouth out a few times with plain water, and when I went back out the car started when I blew this time. It is a ROYAL PAIN in the butt. I couldn't wait to take her car back to her today.

it's all a game if you have money or ethics your raked over the coals and if you do not care your let free to cause problems. If they are realy a threat to others than put them away for many years . If they did not use turn light then let them free.....
Up here in canada it works a bit different.You get pulled over and they do a roadside breathalyzer test plus the walk routine.Blow from .04 to .08 and automatic 24 hour suspension,car gets towed and you beat fett or call a cab for a ride home.Anything above .08 car gets towed and impounded,you get a ride to jail where you do a second breath test on the big machine.when you get out the next day your car doesn't because they can impound it until your trial in a few months.I think you can get it out if you plead it is a neccesity for your family but your licence remains suspended until your trial.You go to trial and the first offence is an automatic 12 month suspension.You can apply for one of the interlocks in 6-8 months.It goes in for 6 months and gets read every month,get a fail it stays in longer or they can pull your licence again.They are very sensitive,even washing the window it will detect the alcohol in the washer fluid.Your fine will be around the 2000.00 mark for the first offence.When you do apply for insurance again(mandatory here or an automatic 2500.00 fine for not having it)you can count on around 1000-2000 a month depending on your proir driving record and that will be for 2-3 years.i have a friend who just went through it plus he got a dangerous driving with his as he didn't stop fast enough and they chased him a mile or so before he pulled over.He is just finishing up with the lock device and he had to get his truck insured through his girlfrien because with the dangerous driving plus his prior speeding tickets they wanted 2200.00 a month to insure his truck.Think you can refuse to blow,not here,refusal to blow = automatic guilty plea.
Yes it is a very strict system but on the other hand i as a volunteer firefighter deal with the other side all the time.If you think i enjoy being called out of bed at 3 am on a cold night to cut and literally scoop some ones son,daughter,mother or father out of a wreck and into a body bag because they only had a couple think again.Or better yet hear them scream in agony as you pry them out of a wreck to a waiting helicopter.Then you hope that they have only hurt themselves not having rammed some innocent motorist driving down the road minding their own business.It happens way too often and in an instant life changes.90% of the population never sees the mess,maybe everyone should,you won't forget.I love doing the job,but somedays you just can't beleive the waste that a split second decision can invoke.think about that the next time you've just had a few and decide to drive home.Maybe you'll make it just fine,maybe you won't drive that hot rod you just spent years building for awhile,maybe you'll never drive again.I don't mean to preach to anyone but having seen the results and waste it sure changes your prespective in a hurry.happy sober hot rodding to you all!!!
Holy ****, remind me not to ever move to Canada!!!! :eek: You guys are REALLY serious about this stuff. Oddly enough, the device on her car comes from a Canadian based company.

a unique view

Ok folks here goes, In 1986 I was seriously injured by a drunk driver,(myself). I went to court plead guilty and recieved a small fine, 60 day lose of license and 6 month probation, ( oh yeah, also had to diplay a D.U.I. bumper sticker). About 3 years later I was offered a job at the count jail as a Jail Officer,( By the same officer who file charges against me, Now the sheriff). After taking the job, I also begain working with the local emergency rescue services. About 6 months into the new job I was sworn in as a reserve deputy sheriff now with full arrest powers. So to summarize, I have been arrested for dui, worked accident scenes envolving dui's and made dui arrest. And I would love to tell you that any one of, or combination of these experiences was enough to make me not drink and drive, but that is not the case, no for me it was something much more eye opening, the birth of my first child, my daughter, that's what did it for me. It has been a little over 16 years now and I nver drink and drive, not even 1 beer, my wife and I are not big drinkers but on acassion we will go out, but one of us will always not drink, I dont mean just stay sober, actuallly not drink.
There are lots of debates about what should be the limit and such, but the bottom line is they( the law makers) have to draw the line somewhere, we all know a person who can drink a bunch and still seems to be ok, we also know someone who cant handle even a couple drinks. Do some research, there are charts and info on the Net. about how much you can drink to get to the limit. But thats not really the point anyway, If yo kill or seriously injure someone because you were impaired, wether you were at the limit or not, then you are responsible.
And sometimes the canadian laws are not enough! If you drink and drive you not only put your life in danger, but also everyone elses too! I don't know if the harsher penalties will stop anyone, but they work for me!:eek:...CR
Yesterday was the day we had to take her car to the Interlock place for it's monthly check in, and I told the guy about my mouthwash setting it off. He said he sees that a lot, and that it won't affect her compliance in any way.

The day before I had to take her to the new insurance agent to sign the papers. Allstate automatically dropped her for the DUI, even though she has never even had a parking ticket. When the new agent pulled up her driving record, it was totally clean, except for a wreck a couple of years ago. Turns out, she was driving down the road, minding her own business, and a car ran a stop sign and T boned her car. The other driver was 100% at fault and cited, yet this wreck shows up on her record and affects her rate! :eek:

I asked the agent how that can happen, and she said Florida is one of 11 No Fault States, and as such, if you are in a wreck, even if it is not your fault, it goes against you and your rates are affected.:eek: I told my Son Dan about that, and he confirmed it. He was sitting at a toll booth years ago and a guy looking for change rear ended him and totalled his pickup. That wreck showed up on his record for 5 years and cost him additional money each year.

I think I am going to start driving a bicycle. :(

Actually, in the State of Florida, signing for your drivers license is an acceptance to consent to a sobriety test, as according to the State of Florida, driving is a privelage, not a right. It's right there in the fine print on the bottom of the drivers license itself. Failure to consent technically results in an automatic license suspension.
Good friend of mine is a lawyer. Similar to what was said above, simply politely and QUIETLY (so mic doesn't pick up your speech) refuse all field sobriety tests and go sit down on the curb. Do not talk, do not stumble around in front of the dash cam. Don't talk or squirm around in the cop car, it's all recorded. Politely refuse the breathalizer at the jail.

You will definitely spend the night in jail, have to hire a lawyer and lose your license until you go to trial (might get a restricted work-only one). But they will have very little "proof" that you were drunk, and the burdon of proof is on the state, not you. Must be proven guilty - basically the cops word only and his opinion. If your lawyer is halfway decent he will reject any jurors that are likely to side with a cop or are non-drinkers.

In fact, he just sat on a DUI case jury. The guy didn't blow but he still made some mistakes - kind of insulted the cop on camera. But he didn't stumble around and was generally quiet. He got off. And it was 4am on a Sat night...

Hey great, just what we need, people telling everybody how to get off with a DUI rap. Then you can go out and do it all again, and again.

How about explaining that to the people who have lost a daughter or wife or son to a drunkard who ran a red light?

The simplest way to avoid a DUI rap is to NOT drink when you drive. Non of this "I thought I was okay" bull, just KNOW you are okay by not drinking at all.

Your average Joe can spend hours trying to calculate how fast those four glasses of wine earlier may have left his system, as he finished the last beer an hour ago, but it is not rocket science to deduce "Hey, I never had a drink all day, I'm okay to drive".

Be that last guy, KNOW you are sober when you drive.
I guess I dont see what good it does to refuse any field sobriety test because as soon as you get to jail they do a manditory blood test so if you have had anything to drink your skrewd anyways at one time you could refuse the blood test and lose your license for a year, but now you can refuse and they will hold you down and take it anyways and report that you didnt quaperate sorry i cant spell

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