JB, here is what I have done. Like you, I also like a hand brake and have to have one to be legal. I bought two left hand 1987 Ranger pickup E-brake cables, [they are a nice length to work with]and [most old cables are either cut off or rusted solid], and installed them when I did the brakes. I then made a bracket under the floor near the back of the transmission to hold the front ends of the cables, made a yoke to pull both cables and installed a turnbuckle to adjust my brakes up once in a while. [Pic 1, the yellow line goes around most of the under floor linkage, including the bottom of the Ford truck hand brake, which is bolted to side of the transmission.] [Pic 2] is an above shot of the handbrake handle. pic3 is the bracket that holds the front end of the two cables, and an easy way of unlatching those odd little holders, by slipping a box-end wrench over the spring clips and squashing them down.