Sort of a bonus day today. My Drs appt. was cancelled at the last moment.
Out to the shop.......

Called my local(Sort of) big box store and nobody carries the elevator bolts.
Since I refuse to pay $2.00 plus for a crappy bolt I made my own.
35 cent carriage bolt and 3 minutes with the grinder. Nuff said.
Got the sill brace and step welded together and then installed. Welded in and bolted. Ugly but good and strong. Once again. All of this gets hidden. Mostly just tacked in for now as it got hot again today.
I also filled in yet another hole. This one was up on the C pillar above the dog leg. Strange place to rust out.



I didn't blast the PS rocker skin and now I am wishing I hadn't done the outside of the DS one.
A few pass with my sander and look. Instant patina. I may have to revisit the other side.[ddd
Put the rocker on to see how things are fitting. Pretty good but some more fitting will be required.
I put the bulge on to. Just like the other side, this one will need fitting.
That's it for now.
Tomorrow will be a Dodge day. I am weary of the rusted metal. Time to take a break.
Keep on keeping on.....