Skull Master
67 (27 members and 40 guests)
Seems like there are about 40 guests here all the time. I think that is cool.
Seems like there are about 40 guests here all the time. I think that is cool.
67 (27 members and 40 guests)
Seems like there are about 40 guests here all the time. I think that is cool.
Gosh! I hope Bark'N'Saw doesn't fall into the sea!
Gosh! I hope Bark'N'Saw doesn't fall into the sea!
Good thing you have two arms!
This last Thursday Bonehead passed thru and stopped off for a visit.Dan(DJ3100) and i finally got to meet Jeff and get aquainted.He even brought us T-shirts and stickers If any of you get the chance don't miss the opportunity meet this awesome dude
Link to world wide issues
Thats a cool site.
In moments I found out that there was a 4.3 earthquake by New Zealand, a cooking appliance malfunctioned in Utah, and a dead goose in China was found to have bird flu.
Seriously, I'll be hitting that site over any of the news sites.