Ever have one of those days?

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
Berry, Alabama
Today was one of those days.:( You start on something, and it just doesn't work like you want it to. I wanted to mount my 5.0 conversion 66 Mustang radiator today, didn't get it done. Tried about three different ways to make some side filler panels and mounting points, something was in the way each time that I didn't notice until I set my pieces in. Gave up the idea of mounting them from the engine side, decided to go from the grill side, so I needed to take out the grill sections. Took out the bolts that I saw, still can't get the grill half out, and I can't remember how I took it out before.[S Running my hand down under the grill, I feel something that feels like paper...............WASP NEST!!!! :eek: Dang near ripped my hand off getting it outta there! Don't know how I didn't get stung, had already had my hand down there several times! Quick shot of spray through the lower grill and I dispatched those suckas! :D

Decided to quit on the radiator until I could sleep on it, mounted my new Summit carb on the intake instead. Looks good, fits good. Get my bracket off the old FI intake to mount the throttle cable and TV cable, then I realize it's not going to work. I can make the throttle cable mount work, but the TV cable is way off, no way I can use the stock one. 3" too long. So, I guess I'll have to get the Lokar one I was hoping not to have to buy.:( or make one. So, I decide to set my air cleaner on for a look see, don't like it, either. Looked good on the Chevy, on the narrower Ford it looks to bulky. Just doesn't go with the look I'm wanting. Something else to buy. :rolleyes:

Enough disappointment for one day. Went and cut the grass so I could say i accomplished something today. Well, I did get one thing done besides the carb mounting, I got the water neck wire brushed and painted. Small things, but it all has to be done. Next time will be better I keep telling myself!
I feel for ya, I hate days like that. can usually tell it's gonna be one by what happens in the first ten minutes your up, stub a toe, dump the coffee grounds on the floor instead of the garbage etc:[S
Well, at least it wasn't a everything breaking day. Those are the worst. Go to mow - mower has a flat. Go to get a new tire - truck won't start. Go get the charger - knock something off a shelf and crack it. Eventually give up and grab a beer or go back to bed. :(
Been there, last week as a matter of fact! After a frustrating morning I had to go to Miller Time and watch some MMA I recorded. Got my head together & started over the next day with a fresh perspective. I have to put those setbacks behind me and keep on truckin', just glad I don't build cars for a living!

I hate mowing the lawn, but my postman appreciates not having to wade through the 3-foot tall grass and weeds.

Sometimes it is wise to walk away for a day.
Walked by the car several times today, didn't even give it a glance. Gonna let the bad ju ju fade a couple of days before I try again.:D
Did find a pic of my grill on eBay, so I know where the bolts are again. So next time, barring any more wasp nests, I can get the grills out. They have to come out to be painted anyway, now is as good a time as any.:rolleyes:
My truck has been sitting at work since, i think, Thursday. I did open the hood saturday but i guess I'm waiting like you are for the bad, whatever it is, to pass. I've got new parts just sitting, waiting to be put on, but I'm waiting for something good to happen before i touch it.
bama i know how it is. with all the rain we been having i still haven't worked on the shop, shoulder even after surgery still isn't up to par but that is another story. so i'm still working outside on the ground and it still sux. you coming to town saturday to the mall? if you do i'll bring a chair so we can visit for a bit.
I'm gonna try to come, depending on if we get a sitter or not. Went last month and stayed about 15 min and the rain hit. I think there is a chance of rain Sat.

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