Fixed the clock

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2011
My son (7) and I went to look at an old truck to see if it would be something we wanted. We ended up not picking it up and my son was not impressed I did not bring home that "rusty old truck", he had already made so many plans for it in the 20 minutes we checked it out. So when we got home I let him get up in the front seat of my 51 Chevy and I told him I couldn't get that old clock to work. After he "checked it out" he wound it up a little and wouldn't you know it he had it running like a champ in no time. I totaly restored his faith in fixing up old cars. He couldn't stop talking about how he got that old clock running like new, it was quite the dinner conversation. I just thought I would share this little story, sometimes all it takes is a quick, little project to get someone right back on track. Good luck everyone!
How much did he charge you?

That's cool - like TI said, that's always gonna a be a good memory of you and him.
So when we got home I let him get up in the front seat of my 51 Chevy and I told him I couldn't get that old clock to work. After he "checked it out" he wound it up a little and wouldn't you know it he had it running like a champ in no time.

No pun intended ;)

That is so cool. I have 2 small girls and neither one seems to have any real interest in working on cars. Although the oldest one loves it when I drive fast :p

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