Getting Old

Rat Rods Rule

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RRR Supportor
Jan 13, 2018
South West CT
I am 63 years old. Seems everyday I wake up there is a new pain. I am semi retired and when not working at my job I am doing something constructive. We got a couple of dogs back in May and in the past few weeks we have built a fence and gate. I also work on all the cars we have. As with most of us we were not kind to our bodies in our youth and it is haunting me now. I am wondering how long will I be able to do this? Is it just part of the deal, do it knowing you may be a bit sore or unable to move the next day? I am feeling so old and frankly a little depressed about it. I have always been very active and really wont do well sitting on the side lines. Thanks Jim
I went thru the same emotions when I hit 60.
Was pi$$y for about a year then decided to make the best of it and things really did get better.
I'll be 70 in April. Just keep at it, none of us are getting out of this alive :)
I hear ya I'm 64 this month and every morning is a new adventure in what's gonna hurt. I'm to the point it's just part of growing old. As my 87 year old Dad says the only thing Golden about the the "Golden years" is the color of your pee.
I`m not your age but I`ve had my share of worn parts and pain... For me finding new things to do was the way to accept I could no longer do the things I loved doing.
I'll be 73 in a few weeks. I too am making small payments, now, for the "sins" of my younger years. Still, on my worst days, I know that there are folks out there that are way worse off than I am. And, I think of the alternative to being a little older, and a little slower, and a little weaker, and having a few aches and pains, and I am glad I am still around to enjoy my retirement. Get used to the new you, my friend, it beats the alternative hands down. I know that I'm a lucky guy, and plan to stay that way for a long time to come. We have to play the hand we are dealt. Folding is not an option. :D :D :D :D
Just hit 79 on the age-o-meter. Getting up and getting going is the hardest part for me. Currently in Cardiac Rehab which has me on the treadmill and bike 3 days a week. Still building hot rods and drag cars. I try to keep physical activity in my daily routine. Walking the dogs, mowing the 1 acre lawn with a 21" Lawnboy, raking leaves by hand. You get the point. Keeping the weight down is the hardest part. Gotta keep the mind sharp too by reading, doing crossword puzzles, planning the next build, etc.

It is difficult to back off but sometimes necessary. Sit on the porch, read a book, visit a car buddy. Let your body recover.

Try to get by with a minimum of pain killers or other medication.

Yes, the Golden Years are a bit tarnished. If you have a bucket list, get to it. If not, and I don't, just enjoy the simple things in life like moving the hot rod project forward, a visit, a conversation, birdsong, wildlife, a meal and so on.

Works for me.
Well just hit 75 on July 4th.. I'm on the usual meds for Cholesterol, BP, Acid reflex and a couple vitamins. As bob w said the trick is to keep moving. I have been fortunate in that I don't have any big problems with the pieces and parts. Just know you limits, take time to rehab and enjoy every day you have.
As the Willy song says, "I woke up not dead makes it's a good day" [cl
The ol Tripper is 72... there's no part of my poor old body that doesn't hurt. My shoulders, knees, back, ankles, hips, wrists etc. I used to laugh at my moms when she'd get down on the floor to do something & have a hard time getting back up... now that's not so dang funny!!! Since there's nothing I can do about it... I just keep on keepin' on... just a lil slower than I used to be! :eek:

Bunch of old farts around here.[ddd I hope to be one someday! :D
I'm 61, hoping to do the semi retire deal myself next year. I don't have the energy I had in my 20's, heck even what I had 5 years ago. I have arthritis that affects my shoulders, knees, and hands. Some days I can't lift my right arm over halfway, my knees ache, and this week, every morning my fingers have been so swelled up I couldn't flex them for a while. Makes it hard to open a drink bottle when you finger and thumb won't go together.:( You learn new ways to do things so it doesn't hurt as bad.

About half a day of manual labor is all I'm good for anymore. Gone are the days of daylight to after midnight work sessions. I can still do most things, it just takes me longer to do them!:rolleyes: I can still curl my fingers around the steering wheel though, and even when the arm hurts to bad to lift, I can still work the shifter. The knees, well, it just takes longer to go from seated to standing to walking. And I can relate to getting up off the floor!:eek:

I have come to the conclusion I won't live forever, I'll never get everything I want to do done, and I don't have to rush anything anymore. I just take my time, what gets done gets done, what doesn't will be there when I go back to it unless I pay someone to do it for me.
I'm an oldster too & limping along like a lot of you. I'll be cool until they ask for my keys, then there'll be a fight! [ddd

I'm 56 and hurt all over. Years of dirt bikes, farm work, crashed motorcycles, chain saws, air tools,etc. Arthritis Is catching up to me. A family history of Alzheimer's has me scared to death. I just keep going .The busier I am the less time I have to think about it. I spend more time resting than I used to. I hope to keep going as long as I can. The best thing any of us can do is enjoy it while it lasts.
Coming up on 66 if I knew I would live this long I’d have taken better care of myself
Wow, some younger some older. I'm 68 until January. Years of manufacturing and other pursuits have me in the same aches and pains. Had a heart attack in '08 but I kept on working until a year and a half ago.

Right after my wife and I relocated into our little 105 year old dream nest she succumbed to lung cancer, leaving me alone with three adult daughters and cats. It was so depressing and I am still not completely over it after more than 4 years.

The house was depressing couple of years ago.....

....I bought a 53 Chevy and it gave me something else to tinker with. Retired, keeping my head above water with the payback money I lent the government, (Social Security)...and cruising with friends to different car meets.

Life...the number one cause of death........
I'll be 70 on the next one. My idea of keeping on keeping on means keeping the projects going. If I have something to do, it makes me get up and go do it. I'll probably fall over into my project one day and that's how they'll find me. Lots of my friends are gone already. I hang with mostly people that are 10 or so years younger than me and most of the time they have to tell me to shut down for the day. I still push the long days some, but when the body says it's tired, I'll take a rest. There'll be plenty of rest when I go.
My name's Doc and I'm a degenerate.

I'm not one to complain and I won't start now, but since we're here, I'll tell you what ails me: Old injuries and early complications, very similar to kenny...

Before I was 25, I broke my right foot, my left arm, my right wrist and both ankles twice. I also fractured a vertebrae, separated a shoulder and dislocated a hip. (All were separate incidents and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.)

I'm 53 right now. I discovered arthritis at 34 which has slowly, but surely become my nemesis. "Slow Motion Arthur" loves my knees and my previously mentioned injuries, so pain is a constant nagging companion, like I need two of those.

I haven't seen a street legal wheelchair in these parts, so I might have to work on that. I'm also looking into a recipe for "Miracle Beer", because those little packets of water taste like water.

My name's Doc and I'm a degenerate.

I'm not one to complain and I won't start now, but since we're here, I'll tell you what ails me: Old injuries and early complications, very similar to kenny...

Before I was 25, I broke my right foot, my left arm, my right wrist and both ankles twice. I also fractured a vertebrae, separated a shoulder and dislocated a hip. (All were separate incidents and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.)

I'm 53 right now. I discovered arthritis at 34 which has slowly, but surely become my nemesis. "Slow Motion Arthur" loves my knees and my previously mentioned injuries, so pain is a constant nagging companion, like I need two of those.

I haven't seen a street legal wheelchair in these parts, so I might have to work on that. I'm also looking into a recipe for "Miracle Beer", because those little packets of water taste like water.

Doc: I don't want to be in a wheel chair but if I ever had to be it would be an out door off road one. I've some times thought about building one out of two lawn mower trannys and make it 4WD. I wouldn't care if it was street legal. The cops probably wouldn't bother you any way.[ddd
Thank you for all the replies. It is just another part of stuff going on in life right now. I think covid is catching up to me a little. Having no relaxing beach vaca stinks. We also got 2 new dogs that have been a handful for me. Our older pup passed in Oct and I didn't want a new one until I saw these 2 bonded pups. I was just very used to have no responsibilities. My Wife is also having problems at her job. She is a Public Health Nurse and for 8 weeks+ on basically 24/7. We were getting calls 10pm and midnight with things going on. She worked from home probably 10 hrs behind the computer. Raise time came and the mayor said I think we should hold raises for the supervisors union that she is in. Those that were off due to covid and basically sat home got raises. Different union. Her union took a vote and said OK we will take the no raise. She is not happy. We are about 2 years away from full retirement so she is hanging in there but I told her to look around. If she retires now, the town will continue to pay their portion of insurance for she and I til we each hit 65. I apologize for what seems trivial to what some have mentioned here. I should not complain about these things when peoples businesses are failing. I just feel like we are spiraling out of control and the aches and pains have just been adding to it. LOVE working on my junk and really hope to do it a lot longer. Thanks agian.
ive been told getting old isnt for p@$$y's! I'm half some of your guys age, I already can tell a difference from 5 years ago. I ride motorcycles and my bmx bike, not as hard as i use to. but I still try to stay active. plus all my craziness in the shop!!
An older friend sent me this, I have to agree with it :p [cl


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