Dr Crankenstein
Rocket Surgeon
Tequila with a Bonehead chaser...
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Say Doc, tell me about this I know it's a Canadian car.
But that was just done on the Canadian cars correct .... I found it and its looking for a new home the pictures were in my camera LOL it is hiding in this pile of HEART BREAK
I didn't mean to HiJack your post sorry..... This is what I went to buy I only get the trailer, not the car inside. Which is going behind that truck.
How did my truck get in with all those great classics? I feel pretty honored to be in such great company.
How did my truck get in with all those great classics? I feel pretty honored to be in such great company.
I've been looking and I believe it's 1944 thru 47 somewhere in there ????
Which one is yours Bonehead ??....