I've got a couple nests of them in my rod and they hang on at any speed, then come out mad when you stop. Boy, they've been looking for places to gather lately. I usually just leave them alone unless they are in something too close, then it's the old B-12 Berryman's. Works way better than any of that raid crap. A 3-4 second burst will take out a whole nest of them.
WB, I'll have to try that! The other pest we have here are dirt dobbers... I hate those darn things & they can really get outta hand if you not careful!
I'm deadly aleargic to any stinging insect. I usually keep a can of the wasp and hornet spray that shoots about 20 feet. Had a nest in a envelope laying in the cabinet over my toolbox the other day. Was out of spray, so I sprayed them with starting fluid, just made them mad. Tried PB Blaster, same thing. Wife brought out a can of ant spray and they dropped dead.
That reminds me, I gotta get a can of wasp and hornet spray next time I go to the store....
If you spray a little carb cleaner on a nest at night and then light it off with a squirt over the top of a lit bic lighter it's a lot of fun, and you almost always get all of them. Use caution where you try this.
We have a nasty little yellow jacket bee here that nests in the ground. They bother no one until is gets hot, in the 90s then they get aggressive. Two years ago i emptied a can of Raid wasp spray into their little cave. They came out dripping' in bug spray and ready for a fight. They were shaking the poison off like a wet dog. Then they had that look in their eyes, where's the Son of Gun that did that? [ddd