Thanks to all of you for your concern and means the world. Well, for the past 3 days I have had no fever, it has not gone higher than 99. degrees but usually in the 98.6 range. I do wake up soaked at night, but even then my temp is normal, so it is probably my body throwing off the virus or something.
I feel much better too, but my appetite sucks, food tastes like cardboard. For me that is odd because I love food. But even that seems somewhat better, not a lot, just a little.
The plan is to keep isolated until next Saturday, that will be two weeks, and then go back and be retested. Same with Dan, and he is only having a mild cough and mild headache. My other son, Don, calls every day and he says he has no symptoms at all and feels great.
Again, guys, thanks for caring, and I hope you understood that I posted all of the info I have to give all of you some info so you can keep an eye out in your own families in case this should happen to you. I would not wish this on anyone, it is a real %@*&&^((# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!