Happy birthday bamamav !!!!!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Mar 7, 2014
West by God Virginia



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Thanks guys! Number 61 in the can.:rolleyes: One more year and maybe I can retire.

Pretty much an uneventful day around here. Pickup hasn't been driven in three weeks, battery goes down if you don't drive it at least once a week, so had to hook the charger to it. Got it cranked, drove to the automatic car wash and got the pollen and dust washed off of it. Changed the oil in one of my mowers, battery on it was dead also, but too far gone to charge, so had to get a new one this afternoon. Firebird battery was also down, it hasn't been driven since last fall I guess, I do crank it and move it around occasionally, put charger on it and got it fired off. Still need to clean it up from the pollen and dust, but it's not going anywhere soon, so no hurry.

I did get sick this afternoon though. Walked down to the motor home and got inside to look around. What I saw made me sick, the top started leaking over the winter and has destroyed the ceiling, and looks like some of the wood work is rotten. I'd probably have to strip the entire interior out to replace the rotted wood.:mad: Undecided what to do with it. Not sure if I want to sink anymore money in it since we haven't used it in 5-6 years. I really don't see us getting to use it, either. I work so much, I just don't have the time to take off and go in it anywhere, and a motel room is just about as cheap. Guess I'll let it sit a while longer, don't have time to redo it now anyway, and I'm hanging onto what little I have in the bank.....afraid I may have to live off of it before long. That 460 and C6 would be nice in the Lincoln though.....[ddd[ddd[ddd

Wife went and got me a steak for supper, that was good! [cl I'm so damn tired of having to eat off of styrofoam containers I put it on a real plate!:D Be glad when all this shutdown crap is over with, I miss being able to go sit in a restaurant and order and eat there! I'm sick of take out food!:eek: And I'm getting tired of mine and her cooking, too.[ddd We both cook pretty good, but it's nice to eat somebody else's cooking some, too!

So, there is the rundown of #61. Looking forward to #62, and hopefully at least, semi retirement! [cl

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