How fast is your rat? please specify HP, tranny, rear end ratio, weight of vehicle , tire size, wheel base, any track times if you got em...
Er... my car runs in the 9's... yeah, that's right... the 9's!?!? [ddd[ddd[ddd
Er... my car runs in the 9's... yeah, that's right... the 9's!?!? [ddd
Was that 1/8 mile or 1/4 mile? [S
Er... my car runs in the 9's... yeah, that's right... the 9's!?!? [ddd[ddd[ddd
As for my 23 I'm a little afraid of it ever since that little 3 lane sideways slide I did a little while back.
Mine is not fast, but nobody wants to pass me. (afraid of getting hit by loose parts)
My new speedster project will be even less fast - 40hp, depending where the spark lever is set. Whhooo!
Mines not fast either. But it's loud and scares the people on the jogging trail, which is more important to me. 170hp maybe.
My new speedster project will be even less fast - 40hp, depending where the spark lever is set. Whhooo!