How much are these tires worth?

Rat Rods Rule

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May 26, 2009
I have a set of 4 Denman super saftey wide white wall tires that came with my project truck. I'm trying to deside if i'm going to use them or not. They are 7.00 X 15 4 ply poly cord, and appear to be brand new, no signs of tread wear at all. Although I like WWW tires, I would rather use some wider tires on the rear, so i'm considering selling the Denmans. What are they worth? Anybody want to trade? I'm open to trading for just about anything I can use on my '38 Ford truck.
There is a date code on the sidewall. You might want to make sure they aren't like 10 years old or something. Even sitting unused tires age and deteriorate.


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