I’m sick

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2009
I’m not even close to finishing my first build and I’m already thinking about other projects I want to do. I think my wife needs a rat, I want to build a vintage style dragster, and I’ve even been thinking about a streamliner running a flathead.

Is there a cure for this?

Is there a cure for this?


Nope!... I have 6 on the go, not getting anything done on any of them. Have just as many rattlin around in my head that I would like to do. Have more projects than lifetime. Again, nope. I think your a gone'r.
Same here, 12 project vehicles, and would by another if I found one I want.

Just give up, and accept the fact that you will always be like this.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaha!!!!!!! And you come to THIS group of equally sick people for help? That's like holding an AA meeting at Clancy's Bar! :D:D

We're all sick on here. If we don't have several projects going at the same time we get the shakes.:D I know I won't live long enough to finish mine and that still doesn't make me want to stop.........maybe I really will live forever. ;)

Ha, wer're all sick. I'm too many projects behind now yet I'm plotting the next thing I want to build. I even picked up a piece of speed equipment this week and I don't even have the project car yet. I've got a sweet part to stare at though.
Ha, wer're all sick. I'm too many projects behind now yet I'm plotting the next thing I want to build. I even picked up a piece of speed equipment this week and I don't even have the project car yet. I've got a sweet part to stare at though.

Speed equipt for a car not owned yet... may I suggest 1-800-LED-FOOT for u 2!!! :eek:
Hi, my name's Ron....I'm a rat-aholic. I have been for the better part of 52 years. I currently have 5 projects, and I'm always on the look for the next one!
I thought it was just me

WOW and I thought i was the only one. I had so much fun with my 46 International I started a store selling rat rod and hot rod stuff.......the only problem that i have now is my wife is giving me a list of the cars SHE wants me to build..............is that a good thing????
It will only get worse.

Dad has a 70x70 shop for a reason.

You know you are out of control when you buy FOUR OLD FIRETRUCKS in a single year!

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