Thanks guys, good to be back among friends.

Not to belabor what all happened, but essentially my Son Dan lost his job one week and I lost mine the next. He is in property management, so he gets an apartment as part of his job, and when the job went, so did the apartment. We live together, so we both had 3 weeks to move.
We had a choice: We could go out and rent another place, but we knew he would get another job in the same industry with another apartment as part of the package, so it didn't make sense to sign a lease for a year when in all probability within a month or two he would have a new job and new apartment. So, Dan suggested a crazy idea.........move into the office of our shop!
At first I thought it was the nuttiest thing I had ever heard, but the office is large and we already pay rent on our shop each month, so it wouldn't cost us any more money. So, we dug in and painted and paneled the office, laid new carpeting, put in a new a/c unit, bought a new fridge, and bought two futons. The shop already had a bathroom with toilet and sink, so we painted it, added a shower stall, and replumbed everything so we could install our washer and dryer. After two weeks of work we had it done and Dan, me, and our two cats moved in, and have been living there for the past two months.
Here is the strange part...............tonight we were moving the last of our stuff out of the office to move into the new apartment, and we were both actually sad about it! It was a very cool experience, and the cats loved curling up with us every night........something they won't get to do in the new place. We had a DVD player and watched car videos for entertainment, and my Son Don bought us a propane grille to cook on. Every night we would wheel the grille out the garage door and cook up some steaks, chicken, brats, or whatever. Plus, when we wanted to work on our cars we only had to walk through a door and there they were.
Point of me mentioning all of this is that we took a bad situation and made it ok. Dan learned a lot about himself because he was devastated when he lost his job, but within a few weeks he had 3 offers. That boosted his confidence in himself a lot and taught him that sometimes things happen for a reason. If he had lost his job a little later the great one he found would have been filled already and he would have missed out. Someone was watching out for him. As for me, I'm going to be 65 in a few months, so I guess it's time to retire anyway.
So, tonight as I sit here in our new place it feels strange. We had some pretty good times the past couple of months living at the shop.....memories we will both have for some time to come. Sorry for the lengthy tale, but I thought you might find it interesting.