Just another Cali' Rodder

Rat Rods Rule

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Active member
Jul 24, 2012
Riverside, Ca
Hey guys, well grew up in my fathers shop been wrenching since I could walk, had 28 cars when I was 21 sold all them to get a house and put the wife through school. Always liked doing body work over mechanical, more artistic freedom! In the 89's did alot of resto mods on muscle cars, a few rods, too many mini trucks and bug's.. At the shop I got all the custom and resto work since no one else wanted it. Barris and Roth and the like were my idols as a kid and still are. I'm an accredited automotive manager with a degree in business management, was a delco tech, ase master autobody tech, IICAR , etc. resumes long and just a bunch of TP anymore.. lol
Ran a collision center for a few years till I made the mistake of taking the moral high ground with the owner over padding sheets and double ticketing the employes, to which I became a domestic engineer ( stay at home dad) still had contacts and friends in the UK so started Rodderhaven as an online store thing exporting cars and parts and such which was cool for awhile till the economy here and there started going bad. wife worked for the courts so when she got the pay cuts and furghlow days I sold the last of my toys to save our house, should of kept the trucks! Like alot of people out there we lost the house, we always lived modest so wasnt a huge hurt but I really hate renting! Currently living off the wifes money making what I can where ever I can, between my hearing and 2 messed up hands I cant pass a stupid pre emplyment psyical, cant type for squat either..lol got a kid that I trained feeds me what work he can at his fab shop building trophy trucks and such so that helps. Spent the last couple years restoring antique equipment and tools, old arcade games whatever fit my fancy at the time.
Anyway guess theres really no good way to describe or lable me, was a surfer, punker,greaser/ billy, gamer, motorhead, comic geek, still listen to all kinds of music, still collect comic books when I can, and game to much with my boys.
Best of all just traded a compressor motor with a guy for a 41 chevy truck cab, 30 Ford A frame, pair of solid axels, spring, a 9" split wishbones, and a 64-65 Nailhead motor and trans, so I get a toy again and get to go back to being me ! This will be my youngest sons ride (just turned 16 ) so atleast one of my 3 likes Rodd'n [cl .
Anyway if ya haddent noticed yet I tend to get a little ADD and talk too much so fair warning, the guys on Volksrods.com just tell me to shut it when I ramble to much lol and I already ****ed of a few on the hamb for using the words Rat Rod... I'm not always PC and tend to tell it like it is or at least my version of it anyway, if I dont know the answer I know how to find it, and generally I'm a live and let live kinda guy.. so this is me, here I am, let the noob bashing begin[P
:eek: Wow, my eyes hurt from reading :D
Welcome to the site, glad to have ya [cl
If ya got pics of your past or present projects, by all means post away [P
Thanks guys, Soltz I'm just above ya in Riverside right near downtown,
Old Iron heres a link to my photobucket account with a few pic's of some past projects we lost a whole box of pic on our last move, wifes still punishing me for that,,
http://s757.photobucket.com/albums/xx217/Rodder_Haven/Auto/Past Projects/
heres a couple pics of the current project the rest are on photobucket, seems easier than sucking up space on forums,


these were when we first brought it home been just cleaning up the frame lately.

Ok Toad explain flickering lights and loud hum?
Welcome to RRR! No bashing around these parts. The rule here is "Be nice, it's not that hard." And RRMod enforces it.

Ok Toad explain flickering lights and loud hum?

The prelude to a newbie that didn't follow the site rules getting vaporized. Not sure what he sees as a problem though?

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