KB removed my new account?!?!

Rat Rods Rule

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Jul 5, 2010
So I know a lot of people do not have the nicest things to say about KillBillet, but I wanted to check it out. I just registered the other day and today I got an email saying my account was removed because I did not meet their requirements?? Whatever I guess. Just wanted to rant a little.
No big loss, checked on there a while ago and apparently everyone is too lazy to welcome new members,cause there are intros several days old or older with ZERO replies,that should make you feel happy to join !!!!
yeah it is kinda a **** hole over there i cant post much with out being threatened of being banned for advertising, even if i post build pics and speak nothing about taking on new customers..... this site is much better
I got an email saying my account was removed because I did not meet their requirements??

They have a pretty high standard over there at KB, you've got to be a real ahole to get in. Just a bunch of PORK wanna beez! It took me less than 5 min to figure out I didn't want any part of their weak BS. :eek:

Mine is a yahoo email over there and im still there. Granted I dont post anything, and just look at the cars that aren't over here. But then again i do the same thing with the HAMB. I actually think i could get along with the HAMB easier than i could KB.

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