6 Skullz
Well, I've seen this car off in the trees a couple of miles from my house for a couple of years now. About a month ago I pulled in and tried to get a better look but the area I live in is one of "if you don't live here or weren't invited you don't need to be here". I respect that because that's how we are on my road. Monday I decided to drive down the little road near the car to look for a house or some body to ask about the car. Found an old man and he was kind enough to give me a lead on who might know who's car it is. Come to find out it belongs to the cousin of a man I know. He gave me his cousins # in new mexico so I called. The guy was real nice but if he's anything like his cousin I wont get far. He did ask what I was willing to offer and I declined to say asking him to come up with a number and there would be no hard feelings if it was out of my reach. He said he thought it was a 38 ford coupe but its between a 42 and 47/48 ford coupe. Anyway I googled images for that and only saw a couple that I really liked but if I do end up with it what ideas do you guys have? Seen any done up cool? Thx