The red tyre bike I built a few yrs ago - for The Smoke Out 6 & my tried & true evo powered 4 speed rigid - which is having some paint updates right now...
Some may have seen these over on clubchopper........
Gastrick.......I'm in the process of updating paint.......I first finished that bike, as you can tell by the paint, in the early 90's.......back then it was a shovel, 4 speed rigid. After I sold the red tyre bike & my slamned to the ground 98 FLT bagga I wanted something a bike less tempa-mental ao I made some frame mods & presto......evo install.
If I only had time for my pro street 66 chev c-dan......
Here's mine. The rebel bike was totaled coming back to N. C. from Sturgis in 02. lThe front fender had a bad set of eyes tucked in behind the torn flag and the rear fender had a scratch that I glued a yankee bulit to at the end of the scratch. The roadking is a Firefighter Special Edition that I bought after wrecking the wide glide. The 343 on the rear fender is the number of brothers I lost during 911. Harleyboy