Well-known member
The cops are used to bilk us out of our coin to help finance their respective Governments. Fair is fair if you ask me.
Contrary to popular belief there are no "quotas" for law enforcement. All of the revenue goes into the states general fund which pays for everything the state pays for. Believe me there is enough other stuff going on that will generate a ton of paperwork that we would rather be doing than giving out citations. On an aveage shift (10 hours) I would be pulling over an average of 15 cars a night. I will usually only give out 1 - 2 citations and the rest are written or verbal warnings. We are, as stated above, interested in 2 things, 1; by pulling you over we are stopping the infraction and hope to remind you to not do it again usually without a citation, and 2; looking for the more prominent crimes ie: drugs, DWI, warrants and wants etc. Be polite, no arguments, put us at ease by always having your hands visable, and you will most likely get away with a warning. happy hot rodding!
Well put tudor. It isn't that we are scared to pull a car over but that we don't know who is in the car. Until we determine that you are not that 1% nutcase out to get everyone we take every stop as a serious one. Sucks for john Q public but insures that I go home at the end of the day to my wife and kids. Case in point, pulled a car over, newer model, headlight out. Well dressed couple mid 30's, happy, smiling with no nervousness showing at all. Run their wants and warrants. 4 extriditable felony warrants out of 2 different western states on the male driver (we are on the east coast). I didn't have any indicators that they were damngerous people. Needless to say it turned into a full felony stop/arrest from there. So we, at least in my town, are not out to hassle. just do as tudor here said and all will be good.[cl