Looks like oil's finally comin' DOWN!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Well the old Tripper smelled it coming... ck my original post on 7-23 (oil aprox $135 a barrel)!!! I hardly see anyone talk about big oil & the Arabs guilt in the worlds' current predicament! Lots of people had a hard time making the mortgage because gas was @ $4.00 a gallon! That is just PURE BS & greed! Over time we're gonna find out some incredible things about how & who stole (IMO) the bank & left the rest of us up the creek without a preverbal paddle. This is the BIGGEST fleecing of American in history & what ya wanna bet... hardly anyone will go to jail except maybe a couple of scape goats... white collar crime at it's very worst!!! Ladies & gents... u have just been screwed... BIG TIME!!! On the other hand... volatile markets are unbelievable opportunities to make $$$ but now... I'm off to pick up my lil dog!!!
Right on, volatile markets are good for profitable investments now. And who will be investing? The big money that anticipated the crash coming and will now swarm like vultures.The rich get richer and that is their right but a graph of wealth distribution in this country already looks like a martini glass.

Well... hard to believe but it looks like we're gonna come down even more. I'm afraid oil could go to $50 a barrel... afraid?! Yep... I'm afraid if oil stayed real low like that... conservation, new drilling & alternate energy will fall out of favor & not be be economically viable. We need to get off foriegn oil in the worst way & $142 a barrel oil had a *lot* to do with our current meltdown. This is exactly what happened in the 70's & I don't think we should get suckered into it again... it's just a matter of time B4 it starts all over again! Our government is totally to blame! After my recent visit overseas... don't tell me *all* of our cars can't get at least 30-40 mpg!!! We definitely need to wipe that oil smirk off Russia, Iran & Venezuela's face... NOTHING would make me happier!!!

Unfortunately I think oil is artificially low because oil is traded in USD. The worse the dollar gets (ie: congress telling the mint to print 700 million $$ to bail out wall street) The oil traders will migrate more and more to the Euro. Once that happens the speculators will dive back into the market and the price will go back up. Enjoy it while you can.

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