Magazine Ideas ~ Share your thoughts!

Rat Rods Rule

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There really is not a magazine that represents what most of us do. Most magazine articles include taking the car to XYZ company and having them install their front suspension, rear suspension, exhaust, electric windows, steering column, etc.

What we want is: How do I make my own steering column? Show me 10 ways to install a solid front axle. Split the wishbones or make my own? Give me some ideas about where to put the stupid battery. Parallel or triangulated 4 link?

We don't need to see you install a Painless wiring harness. Tell us about wire. Does it have to be crosslinked or is PVC ok. GXL, TXL, SXL what's the difference? Can I use TWN or TNN? What's a latching relay and why would I use it. Headlight relay's? Got any security tricks? How about info on an inexpensive way to install hydroboost?

Basically, I would like to see a magazine for people who want to do the work themselves and not put together a checkbook car. Give us some ideas, offer some solutions, put in real info, not fluff.

Forget about reviewing bands, tats, and car shows. ( Maybe you could inlude a review of the swap meets.) Show us cars, trucks and above all, details.

Show engine mounts, radiator mounts, transmission mounts, door latches, parking brakes, shifters, fuel lines - all the little things builders have to deal with.

And by the way, not every car or truck with flat paint is a rat. Figure out what a Rat Rod is and stick to it.

How's that for a rant?

SPOT ON!!!!! Make this magazine and I'll subscribe for sure. [cl
OK, its been a while since i've had a rant. So, heres what i hate about some of the rags i see lately.

-HR Magazine chock full of muscle cars??
-The rag published by Mr.James only having about one feature car, the rest
is straight out of a cosmo. Articles like "how to roll your jeans" or "what
type or pomade to buy" next up is "does this chain make my butt look fat?"
-I HATE going through a two page spread about a rod that tells the story of
a car that some guy built with "the help" of (insert shop name here) Any one
can write a check.
-Taking the time to do perfect body work on a car, then rubbing it out for that "patina look" is FAKE and everybody knows it!
-skulls, spiderwebs, fenceposts, and rubber rats are getting old (nothing personal guys)
-If I was interested in reading about the economy, or politics I'd have bought the news paper.
-There ARE more cars located outside of the West Coast, Not every rod is in Cali or NM.(there are photographers everywhere, find a nice feature and freelance it out)

I agree with what everyone else has said thus far. Im not suprised, we dont usually bicker all that much on this site. The general concensus seems to be gear'd towards the "Do it yourself, with your own tools and on the cheap." Thats just what this hobby is. Its not that we cant afford the nice shiny things, its just that were bored with the norm. Most of us have stuff like that too.

The perfect magazine for me would have to include:
-Owner built rides(or atleast have credit given to the builder)
-tech tips for dummies(motor work, gearing, electrical, paint and body)
-loads of pictues(preferably color)
-diversity among feature cars( give us something more than 5 Model As in a row)
-readers rides
-shop showcases(i know not everyone has the skill to do it all themselves)

Its been said before, but i'll say it again. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum, take advantage of that. We all learn a little suttin suttin here, and give back whenever we can. Be sure to look here first for your feature rods, this place has a great bunch of guys that would be proud to see there hard work in print. Hell, im proud just being able to look in a magazine and see another members ride and say "hey,i know that guy"
I almost forgot.

How bout some before and after pics? Metal working is big in this hobby.

Something like this
(all this was done using hand tools and a 110v welder.)



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Great rant hillbilly. I'm definitely getting the vibe, and its right where we're headed.

Owner built rides - CHECK. Focus on the guys in the trenches, no doubt.
Tech tips for dummies - CHECK. easy one. I'm a dummy myself and I want to learn too.
Loads of pictures (color) - CHECK. Our mag is full color, cover to cover. Way more pictures than verbiage. No fluff. The only text has a purpose, or its not there.
Diversity - CHECK. I'm looking for really unique cars. The typical rods will be there too, but I want to dig up some things you don't see every day. By the way, I'm wondering if anyone out there has seen a rat made from an old WWII vehicle of any kind - a real one, not a manufactured build. I was thinking to myself if I could build a rat any way I wanted, I'd find one of those old pickups and go from there... I'd like to find one if anyone has done it. I'm also really interested in the rats that have original ads/markings on the doors/cabs. They add a level of uniqueness to me personally.
Reader rides - CHECK. The bulk of the featured cars are going to be either local cars or cars people have allowed me to use from here or similar groups.
Shops - CHECK. They'll be here. I'd like to feature some shops locally if nothing else. The grittier the better.
I for one am not big into the half nude models posing by cars. Not for a monthly publication. I get Playboy for that!!!...I don't want to see advertisers such as those who sell meds for making your ****** bigger...I ended my HOT ROD subscription due to that. I like to have my kids look thru the car magizines I need for a 10 year old asking me what VIAGRA does!!
We won't have any ads like that. We don't need them, this is a homegrown thing... just relevant ads.

We're going to have babes (my old man's orders haha)... but it'll be tastefully done. I think it will be safe for the kiddies to thumb through. They won't be on every page or anything, just maybe one per issue or something like that.
the story

The same thing always happens when I come across a hot rodder and his car, we begin to talk about how the car came to shape, doner cars, deals made to get parts. especially with Rat Rods.

Rat Rods breed the creative nature in the heart of hot rodders, using what ever they can find on the cheap or interesting and making it all work together. the storys also turn to people, "This guy that had this part tradded to this guy that had a coupe who gave me the number of a old guy with a farm full of parts." I would like to hear the story of the car, how it came to be.

I maybe off base on this idea but have you ever looked at your old tin and wondered what it was like new? i just got a 51 DeSoto and I started to think about the guy coming home from the Dodge brothers lot. proudly showing the car off to his neighbor, yelling at the kids "NO EATING IN THE NEW DESOTO" (lol)

In summation I will read a mag that combines all of the great stuff you guys and gals have mentioned along with the heart and soul of the car and its owner.

good luck

Show me how to do it safe, how to do it cheap, and how to do it myself.

If you want ideas, sift back through a few hundred pages of these threads. Everything from homemade tools, to discussions about IFS, to speedster picture threads - there are a lot of interesting topic that could be expanded on.

Good luck.

There really is not a magazine that represents what most of us do. Most magazine articles include taking the car to XYZ company and having them install their front suspension, rear suspension, exhaust, electric windows, steering column, etc.

What we want is: How do I make my own steering column? Show me 10 ways to install a solid front axle. Split the wishbones or make my own? Give me some ideas about where to put the stupid battery. Parallel or triangulated 4 link?

We don't need to see you install a Painless wiring harness. Tell us about wire. Does it have to be crosslinked or is PVC ok. GXL, TXL, SXL what's the difference? Can I use TWN or TNN? What's a latching relay and why would I use it. Headlight relay's? Got any security tricks? How about info on an inexpensive way to install hydroboost?

Basically, I would like to see a magazine for people who want to do the work themselves and not put together a checkbook car. Give us some ideas, offer some solutions, put in real info, not fluff.

Forget about reviewing bands, tats, and car shows. ( Maybe you could inlude a review of the swap meets.) Show us cars, trucks and above all, details.

Show engine mounts, radiator mounts, transmission mounts, door latches, parking brakes, shifters, fuel lines - all the little things builders have to deal with.

And by the way, not every car or truck with flat paint is a rat. Figure out what a Rat Rod is and stick to it.

How's that for a rant?

OK, its been a while since i've had a rant. So, heres what i hate about some of the rags i see lately.

-HR Magazine chock full of muscle cars??
-The rag published by Mr.James only having about one feature car, the rest
is straight out of a cosmo. Articles like "how to roll your jeans" or "what
type or pomade to buy" next up is "does this chain make my butt look fat?"
-I HATE going through a two page spread about a rod that tells the story of
a car that some guy built with "the help" of (insert shop name here) Any one
can write a check.
-Taking the time to do perfect body work on a car, then rubbing it out for that "patina look" is FAKE and everybody knows it!
-skulls, spiderwebs, fenceposts, and rubber rats are getting old (nothing personal guys)
-If I was interested in reading about the economy, or politics I'd have bought the news paper.
-There ARE more cars located outside of the West Coast, Not every rod is in Cali or NM.(there are photographers everywhere, find a nice feature and freelance it out)

I agree with what everyone else has said thus far. Im not suprised, we dont usually bicker all that much on this site. The general concensus seems to be gear'd towards the "Do it yourself, with your own tools and on the cheap." Thats just what this hobby is. Its not that we cant afford the nice shiny things, its just that were bored with the norm. Most of us have stuff like that too.

The perfect magazine for me would have to include:
-Owner built rides(or atleast have credit given to the builder)
-tech tips for dummies(motor work, gearing, electrical, paint and body)
-loads of pictues(preferably color)
-diversity among feature cars( give us something more than 5 Model As in a row)
-readers rides
-shop showcases(i know not everyone has the skill to do it all themselves)

Its been said before, but i'll say it again. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum, take advantage of that. We all learn a little suttin suttin here, and give back whenever we can. Be sure to look here first for your feature rods, this place has a great bunch of guys that would be proud to see there hard work in print. Hell, im proud just being able to look in a magazine and see another members ride and say "hey,i know that guy"

The same thing always happens when I come across a hot rodder and his car, we begin to talk about how the car came to shape, doner cars, deals made to get parts. especially with Rat Rods.

Rat Rods breed the creative nature in the heart of hot rodders, using what ever they can find on the cheap or interesting and making it all work together. the storys also turn to people, "This guy that had this part tradded to this guy that had a coupe who gave me the number of a old guy with a farm full of parts." I would like to hear the story of the car, how it came to be.

I maybe off base on this idea but have you ever looked at your old tin and wondered what it was like new? i just got a 51 DeSoto and I started to think about the guy coming home from the Dodge brothers lot. proudly showing the car off to his neighbor, yelling at the kids "NO EATING IN THE NEW DESOTO" (lol)

In summation I will read a mag that combines all of the great stuff you guys and gals have mentioned along with the heart and soul of the car and its owner.

good luck


I agree! thgis what i look for in a rag!! , i have alot of stuff i look thru! but the common rags leave me feeling alittle short! alot of steriotype stuff! that really turns me off to buying a future issue of the rag! i build with what ever i can find mods to work and be safe. such as hairpins for my 46 truck, i was not sure of the size of material i should use so i went bigger! but after more research i was overkill! that could have saved me money!.. Being instatutionalized after working for harley davidson, it kinda made it hard to be a free thinker!, i am interest in free thinking ideas!! to be able to evaluate the procrees and maybe improve on other ideas, or my own! i build a project in my head before i ever buy the first part! and then i add what i have laying around and incorp thgat to my vision!! i guess what i am saying creativity is what i lok for , not so much just buy and bolt on! , RANT OVER
Built from conduit...

Frame was scratch built and the vision started as a pair of fiberglass fenders. Body was hand made with conduit and sheet. Is it a rat.....? Or just some odd rod that gets plenty of attention.

There are talented folks out there who can't turn on a computer, you'll find them at swaps and car shows looking for that rare part. Thats what i'd like to see in a magazine or book...

The rear fenders started it all....


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So theres a lot of interest in the 'Tex Smith' how too approach of rodding, and you do 'Art'.

How about a 'How Too' ART, series.. "When I was back in seminary school" I was around a lot of artists (I was very attracted to dancin girls), and I was bombarded with art appreciation, art theory, art history, composition, proportion, design, color(echhh), what works and what don't and why.

Theres some things that can't be taught, but lots of the 'craft' can be learned--offer that in a - rust and rubber, fire and iron - medium..

I know there are some fellows here who have a for real - formal art education, that post here. Have them do some educational stuff.. Don't just say "this is cool-cause I'm cool'---tell me WHY.. Proove it..

mako - Cool rod man, it reminds me of an old stagecoach or something!

PA - Interesting idea. There will be a nice mixture of different styles of artwork, so its definitely something to think about.
One of the magazines I read has a rare finds page in the back. It usually has a pic of a car stuck in a barn or out behind someone's house and a cool story on how the new owner ended up with it. I have read some great stories on this site of how some of the guys found their dream Rat. :D
I would like to see short stories with pix submitted by readers, of weekend adventures they have had. I like to see what guys are doing with their rides and the scenery where they are doing it. For example theres a guy in New York that gets up early on Sunday mornings and cruises the empty streets of Manhatten in his rat! Then there was the "Cheif" on a reservation in the Dakotas. He contributed a story with pix of his '55 Chevy gasser when he came across an abandoned house. 59 Impala on here posted an account of his trip to Mt St.Helens. Besides the building there is also the enjoyment of driving them.

CORRECTION! For you late joiners. Gastrick has THE picture collection and the knowledge to go with them. Look at the old threads :) He just hasn't been posting lately. Maybe he has had to cutback his research team.;)
Personally, I want things that arent your typical ford with a chevy motor. I think a 350/350 should be an automatic disqualifier. Also, give me cars that are no longer made. IHC, Packard, Hudson, Plymouth, nash. These to me are cool cars.
Personally, I want things that arent your typical ford with a chevy motor. I think a 350/350 should be an automatic disqualifier. Also, give me cars that are no longer made. IHC, Packard, Hudson, Plymouth, nash. These to me are cool cars.

Man Muddy, your killin' me! I'm putting a 350/350 in my 4 door.... :eek:
Im callin myself out on this one too as my IHC is gettin a 327/350 in my IHC. My point is that its been done. We've all seen it. Show us something new. Also, I agree that a story of the build, and before and after pics are a must.
i think it definetly have to have a history page, where u find a cool car and the owner talks a little about it, that would be cool, there's lots of cars, with awesomestorys to be heard or read, whatever, good luck

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