Metal shaping classes

Rat Rods Rule

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Apr 4, 2012
Has anyone here attended the metal shaping/workshop classes advertised online? I have looked at several different places that offer 3 day courses in how to use english wheels, planishing hammers ect but I wonder how effective they are? I am thinking of doing this for my vacation this year but I hate to waste 2k and not come away with anything. I have a decent understanding of fabrication (BS in meachanical structural engineering and taught welding at community college) but have not been involved in the finer art of metal shaping and finish work. Any insight would be appreciated.
Thank you

Hey PC:
As a person with a college degree you know the advantages of any classes. Having said that I believe 2K is a lot of money depending on who the classes are being taught by. For instance if you are talking about Lazze's classes that is cheap. I get a flyer from Ron Covel and he puts on classes all around the country at varies community colleges and businesses and they are very reasonably priced. I personally have taken my metal working classes at a local community college where there was, "The" operative word, an actual curriculum. The powers that be decided that the classes were not worthy even though there was always a waiting list. I learned a lot in these classes but the real learning is by doing. A few of my friends took the less expensive classes and told me they worth every penny. I would say you are doing the right process for your decision. I would only add that which ever class you decide on is being taught by a known metal man with a good reputation. My two bits. Steve
Taking a class is likely the best thing you do for yourself as far as learning the basics of metal shaping. How much it's going to cost and what your willing to pay is only something you can sort out. I attended a two day event a couple of weeks ago in Toronto (Hogtown Metal Meet) and it was the best thing I have done in a long long time. What made it unique was the fact that a small core group of local metal shapers that get together frequently, opened it up to anybody that wanted to attend and to learn. The key player 123Pugsy had his shop available and there was a number of people that brought stumps, e wheels, shrinkers, and hand tools to use and try out. I learned more the first day (Sat) than I ever knew before, concerning metal shaping. I'll get some pictures of the pieces I made, I'm a rank amateur at it, but Im proud of the outcome with all things considered. If you can find someone that has some equipment, and willing to show you the how to's on the basic shapes, you'll soon know if you want to continue.
A few pictures of some basic shapes I did. First three are of a bowl shape, most guys put the flange or lip to the inside like moon hub cap. I went with an outside flange...just for the heck of it.

Next four are the piece made from a 'Flexible Pattern'. Pattern was taken from the top rounded area of an Argon tank and pulled free. The sheet was shaped to the pattern. To test the shape for being close to the original part, it was held to the tank and tapped. If the tank 'rang' it was tight, if it sounded hollow there was an airspace and gap. Took a couple of sessions with the stump and hammer to stretch it enough to wrap around and lay tight on the whole surface.

Last three are a reverse curve, now I have a saddle for a tin pony.:rolleyes:

Before going to a metal class I didn't have a clue how it was done, although I did have the "looks like a bag of walnuts" part of it down pat. It was what comes after that, that had me baffled. So there you go, just for the sake of interest, that what I managed.:)


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good job on the peices they look really good! I took your advice and found a local guy that has an english wheel, hammer ect that is willing to show me a few things for free so I am going to do that next month for a few days before I make my decision on whether to spend the money on a class. Thanks for the response guys.

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