Milton Shmilton

Rat Rods Rule

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sending you a dead rabbit,, theres 4 feet for luck and tail for emergency -- luck Small !

down under we really dont get weather that extreme ..... Mrs C and I watch from the safety of our laptops...

personally i love storms on my bucket list is to experience a hurricane .. Mrs C not so much....
Good luck from here Smalls - it sure looks like it's getting stronger. Hope you fare ok.
Yessir, It's about as powerful as Katrina that just about wiped Miami and Homestead off the map some years back. I'm not right on the coast which helps a lot. But 75 miles to the west coast and 35 miles to the east coast isn't far enough away for a storm that powerful. Been here for 34 years and haven't run from one yet. Don't intend on going anywhere...might be famous last words...
Quote bucket list is to experience a hurricane ..
It's a lot of work and worry even if you don't get smashed. Cleanup afterwards is a multi day affair especially if repairs or rebuilding is necessary. Just clearing debris is a big job. There is nothing like the power of the storm. To watch trees hundreds of years old get picked up and tossed like twigs or simply snapped off midway up, yep you bet. It's power like you've never seen, knowing your next minute might be your last somehow makes you feel alive as stupid as that sounds! I'm as prepared as I can be. Extra food and water for a few days, extra gas and diesel for the tractor in case I have to fight my way out. Chainsaws ready, vehicles away from anything that might fall, batteries for lights on hand, portable cooking devices etc. All my neighbors are ready, My relatives safe, All you can do!
Melbourne might be ok but Homassasa is near where this is due to make land fall close to the west coast. Good luck to them Kenny!

sending you a dead rabbit,, theres 4 feet for luck and tail for emergency -- luck Small !

down under we really dont get weather that extreme ..... Mrs C and I watch from the safety of our laptops...

personally i love storms on my bucket list is to experience a hurricane .. Mrs C not so much....
Good luck from the whole lot of us.
smalls hope yall faired well, that one wasn't playing games. i have rode them out in texas, don't know which is worse the hurricane or the tornadoes.
My sister has a winter mobile home in Venice. Suffered some exterior damage. Their tin shed is no longer on the property. Don's Rods (who used to be very active here) has a son in Bonita Springs. The apartment building where he lives/works has 4 feet of water in the basement parking garage.
Got power back this afternoon. Lost it at 9pm when the storm came thru. Sorry for those who tried to contact me as I have to limit my time on the cell because I have no way to charge except one of the storage devices that's only good for a couple charges. I'm ok, house and barn is ok, vehicles ok, I'm worn out from cleaning up and jus barely touched it yet. Looks like a battle ground. Trees down everywhere, road washed out, but all my neighbors are safe and we've worked together thru it all. Was up at daylight the next morning checking things out when one of my neighbors showed up to check on me. I jumped in his jeep an we made a trip the the highway, 1 mile, cut all the down trees away from the driveway, surveyed the flooding and cleared the drive. We both went back and got the tractors, dragged debris clear and started putting the driveway back into as good a shape as we could. No sleep the night of the storm and dawn to dusk for 2 days working cleanup...tired boy here, at least I can get a hot shower now. I've got days and days of chainsaw work and tractor work ahead. I hate that some beautiful trees went down, but will put them to good use on the mill as I can. Anyway enough of this bs ride. Thanks to all for the well wishes! Because I haven't been able to view news or get online, I don't have clue how the rest of the area fared. It will be a long time before it all gets sorta back to normal but the friends and family I know did good. Thanks again!
Hate to lose this as it provided good shade as our sun is usually in the southern hemisphere, but I'm glad it went toward the lake instead of the house... I've posted pix of this tree before when my dog Chief treed bears . It took a large Holly tree with it but it is underneath... Also took my fence:(

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