For one of the old-style Cyclecars, you don't need to use an itty-bitty little engine. A very small 3 or 4cyl, either from a mini(micro)-car, trans too, or from a mid to large sized bike, would work well, although it'd take a bit of "imagineering" to make it look like something outta the late teens or early 20's. I suppose a light application of the retro Steam-Punk might be helpful. Haven't checked motorcycle wheels lately, but the "breakers" shouldn't be horribly priced, although it might be hard to find two sets of 2 wheels that are the same, much less 4 all the same. Tires could be Continental touring, at least they'd look sorta period, & avoid the sportbike look. Maybe use 10+/- spokers & then cover w/moon-style discs? I'd be real tempted to use discs, but it wouldn't look right, so's that'd mean old-style drums. At least most of them were aluminum.

. Lots of the older style cyclecars were nothing more than what we'd call micro cars today, albeit w/WW1 aircraft-style seating arraignments. I could see using one in fine fashion that'll go ~ 80-90 on reg hiways. Long thought about it, & doodled it out a couple of times, but like other cars I covet, = *really* impractical. Not for summer use, but the rest of the 7-8 months of lousy MN winter weather. No different than a bike - other than a lot more stable in the wet & possibly icy conditions, & no, I didn't enjoy riding in freezing or below temps( 1 hr hiway ride each way, minimum). Guess I'm just not hardcore enough. Although.... now that I'm retired, & don't *have* to go/be somewhere... it does make more sense. & could be some serious fun...

. Gotta re-think this again.

. Seems some of you guys are thinking of the little Red-Cart powered mini-buckboards, a King car, or somesuch. Sucked bigtime even back in the 40's. Wouldn't drive one of those on a bet, except on private property, & then only once, at most. YMMV. Don't know iffen it helps any, but there is a very long Cyclecar thread on the HAMB, that is worthwhile reading, it covers a long time period, & cars on different continents - which are actually quite different. Amazingly so.