Mr. Roadster wiring harnesses

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2008
Paso Robles, Ca.
It's time to choose a wiring harness kit for my RPU and I know there are several good pre-made harness kits out there to choose from. Mr. Roadster harnesses seem to have good reviews. Like most people I am looking for the best bang for my buck. Speedway Motors has been a good source for my hot rod parts and I would like to stick with them. The 12 circut kit goes for $129.95. Anybody here use them?
For ease and quality go with ,Rebel wire or EZ wire.
Well worth the extra few dollars in the time you'll save and all the little bits you won't have to buy.
I have used painless, ron francis, speedway, haywire, and scratch built, all with good luck. The only trouble I ever had was self infickted. Buy any inexpensive harness such as the speedway or haywire and do a little research on the net for how to make good solid connections and take your time. Remember, grounds are usually where most people have their problems.
I don't think you can go wrong. Speedway stuff is not bad for the money and they have been good about standing behind it, from my experience.

I'm not a fan of Painless, mainly because of hard to understand directions.

I have used that exact Speedway kit. It is well made and has more than enough length for just about any car.

My only complaint was that the flashers are not built into the fuse block, so they kind of hang off the wires and you have secure them seperately.

I'll probably order the Rebel Wire 9 circuit kit b/c it looks like those are built into the fuse block so would be a cleaner installation.
HUGE fan of the rebel kit. made in the USA, clearly labeled and CHEAP! 1 note however, you have to come up with your own terminals. easy enough with a trip to el radio shacko.... thats whats in my T and i HATE wiring. :)
not a popular fan of stuff made in china but ordered a Mr Roadster 20 fuse 23 circuit harness from Speedway and was surprised book showed it would be a 2x6 fuse block but I got the old 5x5 gm style block also head light and dimmer switch lots of connectors [ddev

the wire quality is as good as painless the crimps at the fuse block wrapped around and formed a W like thy were supposed to so I ordered a 2ND one today hope it the same stile and manufacture they say they have them made by multiple vendors so Guss it is luck of the dray

Tried to go through tug master but got no response? so could not try Rebel harness
I like Rebel the best, better wires & I can actually read the writing on them! I also got a small connector kit from Jegs to make sure I had plenty so I didn't have to spend a lot of time chasing stuff down!

Connectors from Jegs

I also used a Painless 70 amp Maxi Fuse instead of the fusible link that comes in most kits...

Maxi Fuse

And Rebel is very helpful & available to answer questions.

Not just because Rebel has generously offered RRR members a 10% discount, but I really like their kit a lot. I treated my Son Dan to a very expensive American Autowire kit for his rpu (over $ 400) and he had to spend another $ 400-$600 to complete it because he encased every wire in cloth loom, etc. But in the final analysis it was not a lot different than the Rebel kit I put in my 27 and the Rebel kit was a whole lot cheaper.

Even the Rebel instructions are better IMO than the American Autowire ones. We have done a lot of wiring, so we can pretty well get it done without instructions, but they do help, and one part of the AA kit was very misleading. They showed a 175 amp fuse they supply as being installed right in the main battery cable, and we wondered why we blew about 3 fuses in sucession. When I called them to inquire why the guy said "No, that fuse only goes in the 8 ga wire to the dash !" But the instructions clearly show it going between the battery and the big terminal on the starter ! :mad: He argued with me, but I had the instructions right in front of me.

So, for my money, Rebel is a good value and gets the job done.

The deal is: It was my under standing that tugmaster took over for Glen as a rebel dealer and is here on RRR so I was trying to kept it in the family and help a member make some money.(I install 2-4 kits a year)

I was using eather Painless wiring or the fuse block from 2003 and up IHC bus and making my own we started out with painless in 1990 when they were in a small shop and at present it is hard to get a good deal from them (Speedway sell Painless cheaper then I can buy them) I install all types what ever some one bring me.

I was surprised at the kit I got (Mr Roadster) was actually pretty good. and at $145 hard to beat for a 20 fuse 23 circuit kit I did some short testing to see how the wire stood up to a direct short and it was a good as the Painless and Ron francis wire i had. (I know not very scientific) but a good kit for the price, plus it came in a pretty Purple box
Mr. Roadster 12 Circuit Harness

Just installed a 12 circuit Mr. Roadster harness in my '29....very simple easy to understand instructions...including how to strip out wires/circuits which are not needed or reserved for future.

Wire quality/insulation is very good. All wires are marked every few inches and have plenty of length. For only $130 it's pretty hard to beat.

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