A *real* tin magnet
Progress update. I rebuilt the carb, new points, cap, rotor and wires and a new ignition switch. I still need to run the valves but it pops right off, idles smooth, no smoke. Not bad for a 30 year slumber, engine sounds strong. Also started checking the electrical and almost everything works except one rear turn signal, and it needs a dimmer switch, lights go out when you hit the brights. I removed the seat and old mats, scrubbed the whole inside out with some good degreaser and steel wool. Now I need to dump that 5 gallons of rotten gas and get the tank cleaned and re-installed. New hose, grommet, float and gasket on the way from LMC.
I'm out to install the clutch master and slave now.
I'm out to install the clutch master and slave now.