Pookie Bros
The Deacon of Diesel!
Some rusty ratter told me that when you hit 1000 posts here that you get some special powers and a bonus prize?[cl[S
I think he was b.s.ing me.
I think he was b.s.ing me.
Some rusty ratter told me that when you hit 1000 posts here that you get some special powers and a bonus prize?[cl[S
I think he was b.s.ing me.
Me Too Me Too !!!!!!!!!
wait a minute I didnt get x-ray vision with mine lol
Some rusty ratter told me that when you hit 1000 posts here that you get some special powers and a bonus prize?[cl[S
I think he was b.s.ing me.
Not really. I can't take that title here, I belive BONEHEAD holds that title, though I could be wrong......[SDoes this make you a post ho..or just a plain....ah never mind.
Not really. I can't take that title here, I belive BONEHEAD holds that title, though I could be wrong......[S
ahhhh yes Mr.Gastrick....... I can't come close to thatPookie Ho,
We'll cut you some slack since you are just learning to use your new x-ray vision skills oh gasshopper! Mr. Gastrick holds the "PH" title but the Bonehead is fast on his heels! [ddd[