My dreams are shattered

Rat Rods Rule

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Well the truth is you or someone in your close circle of buds has to know how to weld and it will make it a lot more convenient for the welder person and for you , if you have a welder on site . Maybe the guy was just trying to give you a heads up and came across as a smart alek . There is a lot of " tack this - look at it for a while - then cut it off and start over ", when building a rat from scratch . Not being able to weld does not mean you can't build a rat from scratch , but it does mean it will take longer , because the guy doing the welding will not always be available when you need him . It has been 6 years since we ( my youngest son , who is the welder ) started on our rat project . We still take it to a pro with a big welder when the frame needs some welding done on it . Not that my son isn't capeable now , its just we can't justify the expense of the big welder right now .
"Old: I am not giving up on my build this was more of a sarcastic thread because I can't believe someone who is into cars can be that narrow minded. "
Yeah, I know.
It just trips my trigger when someone is so arrogant as to try putting out another's visions :mad:
I know you can take care of yourself but,I don't like someone messin with any body I consider a friend :D
Roll on [cl
I see hundreds, thousands of nice cars whose owner probably doesn't have a clue about welding, wiring, body work, upolstery, you name it. Doesn't mean they can't build a nice car (with a little help)
Now what most people call a "build" is really just a series of modifications to an already existing car.
I never have been a good welder and have built a few cars in my life. But I know my limitations and tack stuff and have someone who knows what they are doing finish it.

That radiator guy sounds like some of the people you meet on other forums, and "expert" and someone who feels he has the only answers. :rolleyes: Glad you took your radiator and left, he probably doesn't know how to solder.:D


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