Lol yeah I know. I have a very soft spot for flatheads. Although I would have loved to play with the 454 for a while it was the right move for me. After selling that and geting my speedway parts I only have $137 in everything I have so far. And I think I am get thing a nine inch Friday along with a c4 trans. Only cost there is a full dumpster of scrap metal and a bunch of pop cans.
Still in the air on what I am going to use for a body. I have thought about a brookville roadster 2829 truck but I don't really know yet. If I could fint a really nice A body I would go that rout . But then there is also a few 40 ford cabs around that would make a nice truck. I don't really know what I'm going to do yet other then keep plugging away on the chassis and go from there.