I just turned 70, but had a heart attack in '08. I might not be here had it not happened on a Sunday. I was working ten hour days 6 days a week, and for that last week I felt like crap with this strange feeling in my left shoulder.
So here is the somewhat humorous long story:
So that Sunday, afternoon right after I had a salad, it started. Having CPR training and a wife that was an RN, we both recognized the symptoms, she decided to call the ambulance. It wasn't that bad, except for the nausea, but:
The ambulance got lost coming to the house, we can hear the sirens but they were on every street but ours causing my daughters to run out and flag it down.
Now I'm on the gurney in the ambulance with the paramedics going "hmmm.." Ok, lets get him in to get checked out, will go to Holy Cross which is closer. Wife says ok, I will secure the house and get there.
As soon as we go around the corner, I crashed. Now the drivers are heading to Broward Health, which is the main place for heart health. Bouncing around over bumps, railroad tracks and twists and turns, the paramedics are yelling ETA and my heart rate which is dropping fast over the radio and it feels like Jack the Ripper is stabbing my chest. Meanwhile my wife is on the way to the other hospital.
We get to the hospital, everybody jumps out, except for one paramedic, but the driver killed the engine. All the power is off, and me and the other guy are locked in the ambulance!
bang bang bang boom boom rattle rattle
Open the door!
Turn the ignition on!
Open the f.. ing door!
Turn the ignition back on!
Open the f..ing door....
Im gasping for air, my life is passing by when the paramedic gets it and runs through and turns the power back on...and out we go.
So as they are setting up the surgery, my wife shows up and asks who do you want me to call?
..."call...my boss.....tell him...I don't think...I will be...in tomorrow..."
No! I mean your family! .....oh....
Bing da bang da boom! A stent is in my heart and I was able to watch it all happen on the moniter. The next day, there are these folks walking around with a video camera, and asked if I wanted to be in an infomercial about Broward Health. sure why not. So I was the star on a half hour infomercial...that I never saw....
Thats my story, and I'm sticking with it