Doc, it will be a struggle for sure. He has put two pretty sizeable dents in the fender of my black F150 with a piece of steel pipe. He's bad to hit the cars with whatever is in his hands at the moment, toys, rocks, hammer, piece of pipe....

I'm trying my damndest to break him from it, but when his temper flares up, ain't much you can do unless you're right on top of him, he's so quick he's done hit something before you know it. We're doing everything we can, Dr.'s, therapists, etc, but sometimes nothing helps. I can see a time in the future when we have to place him somewhere, my wife is not in the best of health, and I'm not as good as I was a few years ago, age is starting to slow me down.
His Dad is supposed to be out of prison later this year, drug charges, but don't know how much help he'll be. His Mom, well she's locked up too, in another state so we don't hear much from her. Same deal, drug charges with her. Little fellow never had a chance when he came into this world, we've given him more than they ever would have. He's the only grandchild we have {that we know about, there's a girl that could be, but there hasn't been any blood tests so we don't know for sure, but she sure favors her Dad}, so we're going to tough it out as long as we are able.
Thanks for asking, I don't mind sharing our story with him. If he can out grow that 10-20%, we couldn't ask for a better kid. He's highly intelligent, so if we can get the rest under control, he'll make a good adult one of these days.