New From SC

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Jan 10, 2011
Howdy guys im Steven from south carolina and this whole rat rod thing is completely new to me. I have been messin with 4x4 ands wheeling them for about the past 5 years or since i got my lisence at 15 and have decided to try my hand at something new and these rat rods seem like a fun place to start plus they look freaking awesome [dr

so since im completely new to this i need to ask a few questions and if this isnt the right place to ask please direct me to a better place.

I want to make my rat street legal. If i cant show off my work then i would rather not build it. So i would need titles and all to the truck. Now i have access to a few different 30s-40s trucks seeing that i live in the country and half the people i know have old trucks they dont want sitting in there woods. Only problem is none of them have titles. Can i get a title for one of these trucks? if i decided to stick it on a frame of another truck could i use that title? or does it have to be the title on the cab. I also may build a frame so that may not be the case either. that is my main concern is gettin the paperwork on it so i can drive it so please give me any info you can relating to how south carolina would handle that.

this looks like a great forum and i cant wait to get a project goin so i can really test out my fabrication skills.

looking foward to posting here and thanks in advance for your help guys!
you thinkin' right.
somebody here can probably help with SC tittle questions
or SC may have some answers on their web site.
thanks for the welcome guys im not sure what sc has on the website cuz alot of there stuff is in pfd format and my computer isnt wanting to read pfd lately so i cant see what they have
Welcome to the site. Title questions are usually best answered on a state to state basis.
Some guys have had friends in nearby stated title their vehicle and then "sell" it to them. because it was easier in the next state.
Start a thread titled "Need title info for SC" or something of the sort. Hopefully one of our SC members will see it, and have help for ya.

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