Are they gonna put blocking in those wall studs?Nice shop,I want one bad!
blocking is for nailer/backer or fire stop.
you need it when there is a possibility of smoke or flame getting from one floor to the next between the studs.
Like with a "balloon framed" 2 story house
Blocking doesn't add much strength to a wall, it's the sheeting or drywall that maintains the studs layout and stiffens the wall.
Also these walls are not load bearing they are what you would call a partition wall
And since the wall goes all the way to the deck it is called a demising wall.
If you were to rock the inside of one of these rooms and ceiling with 2 layers type X you would have at least 1 hour fire protection
5/8 type X is alot stronger than 1/2 inch house rock and (i think) has a half hour per layer fire rating. Your wall with a layer of 5/8 type x drywall either side is typically a 1 hour wall
If you wanted one of these rooms to be 1 hour fire rated and did not rock the ceiling high but instead installed a suspended ceiling at 8 foot and it was double rocked then this is where you need your blocking so any fire is contained and can't travel upwards past the drywall between the studs into the space above the fire rated ceiling.
They do make suspended ceilings that install just like a dropped acoustical tile cieling but are designed to be dry-walled instead of filled in with ceiling pads
This remodel project I did originally had 12' walls and a false ceiling at 8 foot. it was constructed of wood framing and suspended from the floor joists above by 1x6 braces.
I had to jack up the old ceiling in some places and reinforce it before installing the new drop ceiling at 7'8"...
Yeah... It was tight getting the pads in...especially the light troffers
This wasn't exactly an exercise in good example it was a low budget project using a lot of salvage and recycled materials. It wasn't a situation where you could fix the problems with money or jut rip everything out and go in with everything new and modern