New guy here! From Florida with imports :P

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Dec 11, 2007
New guy here from Florida!

Ok, so i tried getting "involved" on the HAMB, but too many users, no one recognizes anyone, and everyone is too busy telling everyone else how "traditional" they are to take a step back and enjoy life.... blah.

My name is John Ward... im 28, and live in Melbourne, FL. My father is/was a member of the L.A. Roadsters Club back in the day, and consequently, i've grown up around hot rods and drag racing.

Somewhere along the line i skewed off path, and got involved in Imports, and have been screwing around with them ever since. I now own a shop called 'Panducky Motorsports' in Melbourne, where we basically do everything to cars... and not just imports.

I'm in the process of building this:



It is a 1930 Murray Model A that has been cut down to a 2-door pickup cab... the time-dating on the cut-down is apparently after WW2 sometime... still not sure, if any historical guys out there can help, that'd be great... but it had something to do with gas and food coupons, and trucks getting more than cars.

But anyway, it will be powered by a modern 4-banger out of a Ford Focus. It will also be turbocharged.

Sure, not traditional, but fun nonetheless :)

I'm in the process of building the chassis right now, i'm starting over from scratch with it. This thing is tons of fun though.

Also, on top of doing all sorts of welding and fabrication (you can check out my work-gallery at: i am also really into photography, and and doing more event shoots, and individual car photo shoots... one day itd be awesome to get some of it into a magazine or something, but having it as a hobby is a start.

Anyway, glad to be here...

Is anyone else from the Melbourne area? I just moved here a few months ago, and still trying to figure out where everyone meets up at and when. Also, if anyone needs any welding/fabrication done, let me know ;) haha!
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Seems like a lot of others are feeling the same way about the other site. It's kind of like a big High School with the trad and non trad stuff. Truth be told I bet I can fine atleast one thing on every car there that is non trad. Also don't forget the ever so popular what color should I paint it questions.

Welcome aboard!!:D
I'm new here as well but not to the hobby. Not a rod run goes by where someone tries to tell me how I should do or not do something on one of my cars. Instead of gettin irrate at them, I explain why I do things my way, I built it for me, not for someone else to look at. I don't like the whole import thing but I respect the kids that are doing it. This hobby keeps evolving. When I was that age the old folks gave me a rash of crap for putting shackles and Thrush mufflers on my 64 Galaxie 500. Heck, I've been skewed off the path for a long time and I like it!

as far as when your car was cut down I know that during WWII when gas rationing was in effect , trucks were allowed more gas than cars , so people just made a truck out of their car , alot of people also didn`t have the money to go buy a truck so they used what they had ..... thats about all I know about it , maybe someone else can ad a little more to help you out , `24
Man have some people joined recently with some great looking cars, or what?? :) Love the truck and the red roadster too. Welcome guys.

We would love to see any pictures and stories your Pop has of the LA Roadster Club stuff. That was (probably still is) a very elite club and not just open to anyone who wants in. I lived in SoCal for a year in the late '70's and went to one of their picnics in some park. I saw lots of cars that I had drooled over as a kid reading hot rod magazines. The cars were unbelievable.

Keep us posted on your truck build, it looks great.


Welcome to the forum... glad u found us!!! I really like what u're doin' there & look forward to seeing u're progress! I especially like that red bomber seat!!! ; - 0 Really laid back bunch here & I'm sure u'll fit rat in!!!

Sure, not traditional, but fun nonetheless :)

I like to think we're startin' some new traditions & we're definitely into havin' fun with the hobby!!!

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Flea, I love your plan, if the truck looks as good as the drawing, you will have a great looking ride. And it looks like you are well on your way!
Welcome to the site.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

I'll post up a more 'official' build thread on this truck once i have a touch more to show... i got to work on the chassis of the truck a bit yesterday... i'm building a 2" 'beltline' all the way around the bottom of the truck cab. The chassis is a 'flat' design, where the whole thing is only 2"tall.. so no body-drop/channeling on the body, trying to maximise interior room as best as i can.... and i don't want to chop this body up (any more than it already is that is). heh.

I AM looking for some parts though if anyone can help.... i need either new doors, or door skins... also, if anyone knows where i can get a hold of a windshield visor for the slantwindow, please let me know.. Also, where is the best place to buy lower cowl patch panels? Does anyone have a patch panel for the rear body panel for this body style? can i use panels from another car?

BinderRod: Yea, i've been a member over there for a while now, but i've never enjoyed making a post on it... its weird. Especially since i live on message boards practically... i'm an administrator of a rather high-traffic board dealing with a specific marque of car, and i enjoy talking on boards and meeting new people, but i just couldn't bring myself to try over there. weird feeling.... haha!

hotrodron: Thanks, i also do web and graphic design, and did that site myself...

24dodge: mmmm the 20r is a fun motor... that'll be interesting to see how you finish that one off ;) are you doing a forced-induction build, or are you keeping it naturally aspirated? Thanks for the info on the WW2 situation... i really wish i could narrow down where/when andexact circumstances behind the chopping down of this Murray... it'd be neat to know the real history of this particular vehicle.

donsrods: Definitely! I know that he was in their recent book that was written by Jack Stewart... my Father used to have a black Model A roadster... absolutely beautiful car. Unfortunately he had to move for business, so he wasn't able to stay a 'local member', and since then has always been a strong supporter of the LA guys... we definitely make it out to thier show every Fathers Day. Heres pics from last years show that i took: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. I'll see if i can grab some pics from my dad of his setup.... he doesn't usually let them out of his hands, but when i go to his place i'll grab some pics and make a post about it :) But yea, its really cool when we're sitting there reading magazines, and he's like "oh, yea, i was his roomate for a while... i remember when he did that"... fun times. Hopefully one day i can walk in those footsteps, by getting this little beast in a mag or three :p

Tripper: Haha! Thanks! I was actually going to think about remaking the 'bomber seat' in metal so it is at least strong, and then fashion up a make-shift seat back, and leave it like that.... but then reality set in, and i remembered that i wanted to drive the car... but, it makes a great temporary place to sit and dream ;)

Gastrick/Bonehead: Thanks! The drawing is VERY close to what this will come out to proportion-wise... the cab lines in the drawing are taken directly from a scanned pic of the cab when i bought it, so that part is at least -exact- in scale... but thats the look i'm going for with this build.

Thanks again to everyone for the welcome! Can't wait to be able to try to contribute here somehow... :cool:
Yeah, please see if you can post some of those pictures of his. I bet I know his car because I grew up pouring over magazines and the cars from the LA club were always the best. Get as many stories as you can and write them down too. This is our heritage and we need to preserve it. :)

Now that you mention it, I think it was a Fathers Day cruise I went to that year. It was about in that part of the year. I was like a kid in a candy store, all these fabulous historic hot rods right in front of my eyes.


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