Newer Car's/Trucks used as Rat Rod projects.

Rat Rods Rule

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As long as it's safe, you won't get much attitude here. At worst, a few might try to nudge you away from the Ranger into something older. (OK, back away from the Geo idea....) Flat black and red wheels might get a few NO's too. (overdone)

... We'll see how they keep treating you, then I'll decide whether or not I'll tell them about MY plans. Good luck, Bill.

Kinda late now isn't it? [S :D It's rat rodding - if ya got it, why not use it?
As long as it's safe, you won't get much attitude here. At worst, a few might try to nudge you away from the Ranger into something older. (OK, back away from the Geo idea....) Flat black and red wheels might get a few NO's too. (overdone)

I agree, red wheels are not my cup of tea but Flat black paint is the one thing I love the most about rat rods.Flat Black and good old rust run neck and neck in the race for best body color.Flat Grey comes in a real close 3rd. But whatever paint is chosen, please put some Pinstripes on that thang.[;):D[P[cl:cool:
As long as it's safe, you won't get much attitude here. At worst, a few might try to nudge you away from the Ranger into something older. (OK, back away from the Geo idea....) Flat black and red wheels might get a few NO's too. (overdone)

I plan to do something older as soon as funds come through but for now, this will do to play with.:D[;)[P:cool:
Go to Sams post and click on "63 F100" then go to page 3 you'll see the truck.
I hope the red bumper is gone now LOL

Anyway lets see some pictures of the Ranger and what are your plans[P

I went and looked and now I want one just like it. I started a thread in the "Builds" section that has a picture of the ranger in it's stock form. I will get some more shots as I progress.[;)[cl:D:cool:

found this a while ago - thought you might wanna see it.
WOW!! Thats killer! Dint think a wide body could look so kool with a low lid . Headers and headlights are tricky but WTF
I like it!, think I would put the headers on correctly though! Wonder how efficiently they work at 60? looking
i guess facing them that way is one way to get back pressure ... actually didnt even notice till you guys said something ... i personally would have run them back ... but its not mine either ....

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