Not Just Another Noobie

Rat Rods Rule

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Jan 5, 2013
Hello from southwest Missouri, I am Kyle "John Dillinger" Conway, my grandfather,67BS, has posted some stuff of mine under "More Builds". I am the grandson with the 62 Rambler Kustom. There has been some more work done to her( the rambler) sense the last pics were posted. Im just happy to be on here.::cool:
Hello from southwest Missouri, I am Kyle "John Dillinger" Conway...

Hi from Omaha I'm Mike "Torchmann" Ederer
Actually my real Nickname is just Torch but someone else has been using my name so now I know how John Dillinger feels lol Just kidding mate nice to meet you :D

I just noticed that the guy using my name hasn't been using it it's been a dead account since 2008 with zero posts.
I sent the admins a request to get my old name back from the dead guy

Junior Member 07-18-2008 posts-0 LAST VISIT! 07-22-2008

catch ya later time to go warm up the crock pot and fry up some pork tenderloins chop up some tomatillas skin some Poblanos and jalapenos and make my Green Chili
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Do you guys remember the old SNL skit "I hate when that happens"?

Hey RamblerKid...remember how I said earlier I was going to make up some Chile Verde?
I keep telling myself to be careful not to do it then what do I do?
I do the Obama wipe the eye thing while I'm preparing the habaneros>
it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be>
but then you know what I did?
in a panic
I got a washcloth and ran it under some hot water
then I wrung out the excess water....
(can anyone find the exponential failure factor here)
And I wipe off my eye with the hot steamy wash cloth I just wrung out with habanero fingers.
I feel pretty good though right now, kinda like you do after you just had a good fight....

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