Anyone? Unlike FB... Ello has no ads, they don't follow your every move around the web & sell all your info to 3rd parties! It sorta reminds me of a stripped down Google+.
According to those who know around my house. You have to be invited to join.
True or not.....I don't know.
Yep... that's true but I couldn't wait so I bought an invite on daBay for $.99! [ddd[ddd[ddd
Not to burst the bubble Tripper but if you read their "Security and Privacy" policy they apparently can sell your info if it suits them.
Check out this link.
I couldn't wait so I bought an invite on daBay for $.99! [ddd[ddd[ddd
Yeah... there's always a catch but I'm pretty sick of FB & ready to move on & I always stake the RRR claim just in case! Expecting them to have no ads & sell info is a lil much... how else are they gonna stay in biz. But if they start doing it... people will just move on to the next new thing!
Isn't that like paying the pretty girl to walk down the hallway with you [S
On FB all the time. Only way I can keep up with most of my friends and family. Plus all my friends from High School and others. I enjoy most of it. And if you block all the BS on there it's pretty enjoyable.
Agreed, I use AdBlock and it stops all the BS on the side panels from even showing up.
I use adblock too. I almost never see any ads anywhere![cl