O/T: Anyone heard of Ello... the anti-Facebook?!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Anyone? Unlike FB... Ello has no ads, they don't follow your every move around the web & sell all your info to 3rd parties! It sorta reminds me of a stripped down Google+.

Not to burst the bubble Tripper but if you read their "Security and Privacy" policy they apparently can sell your info if it suits them.
Check out this link.

Yeah... there's always a catch but I'm pretty sick of FB & ready to move on & I always stake the RRR claim just in case! Expecting them to have no ads & sell info is a lil much... how else are they gonna stay in biz. But if they start doing it... people will just move on to the next new thing!

Yeah... there's always a catch but I'm pretty sick of FB & ready to move on & I always stake the RRR claim just in case! Expecting them to have no ads & sell info is a lil much... how else are they gonna stay in biz. But if they start doing it... people will just move on to the next new thing!


Understood Bob.
When an old F*** like me uses FB you know that it's time has come.:D
I like fb because a lot of my freinds and family are there and I would never keep up with their lives otherwise. I never give fb access to my email like they ask when you want to look at something someone has posted. Never twittered or instagram, one social media is enough.
RRR, chevelle tech and stovebolt forums is my social media.
Almost got a facebook but decided it's better if people from my past don't know I'm around.
On FB all the time. Only way I can keep up with most of my friends and family. Plus all my friends from High School and others. I enjoy most of it. And if you block all the BS on there it's pretty enjoyable.
On FB all the time. Only way I can keep up with most of my friends and family. Plus all my friends from High School and others. I enjoy most of it. And if you block all the BS on there it's pretty enjoyable.

Agreed, I use AdBlock and it stops all the BS on the side panels from even showing up.
Not another social outlet

I resisted FB but had guys that wanted progress pics on their FB. Then ran into problems because no one could find me, hard to believe I share the same name with 1k+ other guys. There is only one GJunKtionMike On FB :D Then here comes the friends and family posts, so had to do a second FB account just for the car stuff. That is about as social as I want to get.

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