Haha, those were some of the best times of my life. My Sons are twins and what one didn't think of the other would, so they were always into some mischief.
They LOVED to play in the garbage burning pit we had in our back yard in Pa, when they were little. I would find them poking around in the fire with sticks all the time, and they also thought it was cool to toss an aerosol can in there, then run before it blew up . No matter how many times I tanned their hides for that one they kept doing it ! We had a German Shepard the three of them were like the three amigos, and always doing something to get in trouble.......the dog was as bad as they were.
Years ago, I worked nightshift exclusively. In an effort to save money, I figgered I could watch our 3 yr old son during the day. I did OK for a couple of weeks, but the lack of sleep caught up with me. So I'm taking a dead-to-the-world snooze and junior has free range. He gets his paws on a permanent marker and decides to enter the world of urban art. When I awoke, the scene was positively frightening. Graffiti everywhere, and I mean everywhere. On the walls, the floors, the furniture, the appliances, cabinets, you name it, he marked it. It took us weeks to scrub the ink off everything. (I'm still surprised 99% of it actually came off)
I had let him pee into a bucket when we were out in the garage cause he had to go bad....a few weeks later, I get this terrible odor from the basement....can't find it for the life of me....another week and it's so bad the wife and I went hunting.....
Found my tool bucket...you know the canvas tool holder you put into a 5 gallon bucket....my kid was peeing into the bucket if he was downstairs playing so he didn't have to go upstairs..... goes to show you, you can sometimes be your own worst enemy.....lol be careful where you let them pee....
Found my tool bucket...you know the canvas tool holder you put into a 5 gallon bucket....my kid was peeing into the bucket if he was downstairs playing so he didn't have to go upstairs.....
Were your tools in it? Betchya don't hold that screwdriver in your teeth.
My dear, sweet Mother-In-Law told me of a stunt my wife pulled when she was little. She made her own slip-n-slide, greased the hardwood floor with Watkins rub and went surfing Tom Cruise/Risky Business style. I understand that was nice stuff to clean up, but on the positive, the house smelled like menthol for a month and everybody had clear sinuses.