Well-known member
Well, I least I only remembered lines? Hell ya, we had 9 people on our line, our ring was three short, and the number was two letters and 5 And now kids don't know how to use a dial phone.
My kids say I’m so old I fart dust. I reckon that quiz just proved it. We had black jack gum in my area but mostly chewed Beemans gum around my house.
I got 15, quicker and easier than I care to admit.
#6 - I had to Google search "Butch Wax". I won't share my frightening results, but suffice it to say, I now understand the origins and how it applies to certain walks of life today.
#13 - I've never heard of Boone's Farm. (Thank you, offroadrolls.)
#16 - Legend has it, my younger brother was... how do I say this... a "delivered" product.
Here's some from my early years:
The Ragman came through the neighborhood in a horse-drawn wagon shouting "Rags". People would sell him rags, metal and any other castoffs they had.
When the TV would go on the blink Dad would remove the tubes, take them to the drug store where they had a tester you could use. Test the tubes and buy new ones. Happened quite often.
Watching "Test Pattern" on the little round TV screen til programming started.
Taking the street car downtown with a friend and no parent when you were 8 years old.