OMG... the new "Garage" magazine cover!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Ok... I'm an old cuss & have seen my fair share of girlie magazines & am usually not all that distracted when lookin' at cars with sweet young thangs in the picture... BUT... the new Garage magazine cover really caught my attention. I typically am not a big Garage reader but this issue had some pretty interesting stuff & that gorgeous cover! :eek: The model, Carrie Keagan, distracted me so much... it wasn't until I was reading the magazine that I realized... it was a cover shot for the "Silver Anniversary" of the ZZ Top Eliminator car (that 'lil old band from Houston, Tejas). Like I said... some pretty interesting stuff inside but be sure to check out the cover shot... it's *very nice* (IMHO)!!! :D:D:D


Man..Tripper wasnt lying..!!!!!!!!! WOW..!! I wonder if I can get her to lean against me and have my picture taken..??..Hehehehehe,what a dirt old man I iz..:D
You know waht I didnt even notice either. I just looked at the cover and checked out the girl. I love that car though. and ZZ Top is one of my top 5 bands
ya well it still peeves me off they ripped me and a whole bunch of other people off for our subscription money. this topic has been beat to death, but not a great way to treat potential clients
ya well it still peeves me off they ripped me and a whole bunch of other people off for our subscription money. this topic has been beat to death, but not a great way to treat potential clients

Blame Jesse James for that one...

Apparently what went down was James bought the title keeping Dan Stone on as editor and the rest of his crew to keep producing the mag, then just stopped paying everyone, effectively pushing them out. So, Dan and the founders of the magazine are no longer a part of it. You sure can tell by the latest issue that it has become a Jesse James vanity piece. It is chock full of Harley, West Coast Chopper and various other bullcrap ads and ego stroking. What a joke.

I guess this kind of stuff is bound to happen as corporate America sees there's dollars to be made off our hobby by exploiting the "lifestyle"...
way cool tripp, many yrs ago I was driving home from work and saw the coupe parked out front of the local tavern (Saugus,Ca.) so of course I whipped around and cruized in. What a surprise, they were filming the "legs" video :eek:

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