OSR, CKD & the old standard... Hot Rod!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
I don't know if it's just me... but lately I think Ol' Skool Rodz & sister mag Car Kulture DeLuxe have been really lame... & they used to be some of my fav rags! I've been to shows they covered & saw *plenty* of cars that were incredible but surprisingly... they got no coverage. And I think their articles have been pretty lame as well! Lately my favorite mag has been the old standard... Hot Rod Magazine! They have had great articles & have shown some really outstanding cars! Watta u guys think... what's your fav!?!?!?

It is not just you. I still like looking but it seems to be the same magazine month after month. looks to me like they found a winning combo on the first few issues, and are afraid to expand on what they started with. They took pictures of my grill, and my seats, but my truck is too far away from the formula I think.
The RODDERS JOURNAL! That's my favorite, and it's not even close to second place. The mags you mentioned such as OSR and others, seem to focus more on "the lifestyle" than the hotrods now days. I'm not into the whole "lifestyle" deal at all. I'm a hot rodder, I like hot rods. I do still buy them though although the quality has gone down in my opinion.

I agree that Hot Rod Magazine has improved lately. At one point, I wouldn't even open it up any more. I am a subscriber to that publication now, along with Popular Hotrodding (better than Hot Rod imo) and Car Craft.

A magazine I find myself reading more lately is Street Rodder. As of late, that mag seems to have placed a renewed emphasis on traditional cars with some helpful and informative related articles. And while some people may not consider this to be a positive attribute, there are multitudes of ads which I enjoy scouring for new, interesting, or necessary products and tools.
I mostly scan each mag (hot rod, popular hot rodding, Rod & Custom, etc...) to see if theres anything of interest. If I find something, I'll buy the mag. Since my interests are hot rods and drag racing (strictly door slammers) and puruse the mags that cater to those interests.

As for the lifestyle (rockabilly), I find it entertaining (probably because I don't have any hair). But I do like the music.

I use to subscribe to all those mags but realized I was buying some mags that weren't worth saving.
I'm like most hot rodders, when Hot Rod Magazine started doing Camaros, Mustangs, and new cars, I bailed out. But some recent issues have looked better. The first magazine I ever saw was Hot Rod, and for years and years it was the "Bible."

Rod and Custom has always been ok with me, and I think Street Rodder is starting to come back. The latest issues have had some killer tech articles, really in depth,

However, I have pretty much stopped buying any at all, and I was someone who not only had about 4 subscriptions a year, but when I went to swap meets would buy as many of the $.50 and $ 1.00 back issues as I could carry. The internet has pretty much replaced magazines for me. My Son still buys lots of the other ones (I think he likes the chicks in some of them :D.........but I never notice them :rolleyes:) so I occasionally bum a magazine from him to read.

i think i agree for the most part with alot of the above, i tend to browse all the magazines at borders and buy ones that have tech articles i'm interested in. Classic trucks is a great example. They tend to lean towards old ford trucks but every couple months they put out a great issue with lots of chevy stuff mixed in. I also love the ads in street rodder, there are really alot of cool little parts in there for sale. another one i'm sure you guys have never picked up but is a great little mag, grassrootsmotorsports. they don't do any hot rod stuff, they focus more on neons, miatas, and 80's turbo cars. But every couple issues they'll put out a good one with great tech info that can be applied to just about anything.

as far as the lifestyle goes, thats cool if someone likes it, personally, i don't dig chicks covered in tatoos, one or two is ok. i'm also too much of a wuss to go get a bunch of tats myself (especially when i could be spending that money on my truck:p).
"Hot Rods" are a fad and fashion anymore,,before when you got your pay check at the end of the week you put it into your car or bike,,NOT the clothes you were gonna wear while riding/driving them,,,Your car did'nt look like everyone elses with the same "wow thats super cool,name drop parts",,,also ( and sadly I have seen folks from here do this on other boards ) Peoeple who basically know nothing about cars jump online read and read ( and not all they read is correct )
and BANG they are an instant car guru who knows it all and has been theer done that,,kinda like the guys back in school who read HotRod and could rattle off all kinds a BS ,,but be damed if you put a carb in front of them if they knew what to do with it.This whole "lifestyle" thing is BS,,I watched it make a total joke out of the old biker ways of life..now 14 year old bois with pompadors and every brainless girl try to look like Betty ,,gimme a break,,,same as what happened to the old Metal scene POSERS...but these are the people with mom and dads gold card and who they are the ones spending the $$ on the "Traditional Rod Culture" have to say up until recent years I never heard of such a thing,,,There were The Purists and The Rodders
and they did'nt really get along,,and now with all the BS Eliteism ya know..It's real simple you have a love of it or ya don't ,,and you MAKE things work as thats how you want it to be if anything thats "trad. Hotrodding" hell years from now i'll bet everyone will be back into the 49-51 Fords and the golden Child then willl be to find one that DID'nt get chopped,,lol,,,,myself yes looks are a part of it,,you take pride in what you build as you should ,,but to me Hot Rod,,=SPEED,,,I like to race so you build speed,,to me RatRod is just ( not even gonna go there ) everyone needs a title so they can feel important,,,blowing the doors off the car next to me,,thats all I need :)

btw-fav mag old Street and Strip

*goes to have some coffee and relax *
Blow their doors off!!!

blowing the doors off the car next to me,,thats all I need :)

When my daughter was 4-5 (& being the child of a hot rodder)... she could not stand for any car to be in front of us & would constantly ask if we had "blown their doors off"!!! I loved it!!! Back then I had a LUV truck... 327, close ratio 4-speed w/a 4:11 rear!!! Yes honey... we blew their doors off!!! Those were the good ole daze! Ms Herself is right... HP RULES!!!

I forgot to mention a mag that I subscribe to. A little known publication named "GASSER WARS" that is only released quarterly. It was formerly named the Anglia News. I like that one too.
I found that my grammar and spelling started to suffer after reading just a few issues of OSR and CKD ...

My IQ and self-respect went down, but they are recovering nicely now.:eek:
I found that my grammar and spelling started to suffer after reading just a few issues of OSR and CKD ...

My IQ and self-respect went down, but they are recovering nicely now.:eek:

ROFL,,Ebonic's for the NU Hot Rodder ??,,,,It's like the whole computer speak to me,,,"3"s for "e"'s and all the other stuff,,I almost feel stupid sometimes then I realize it's just BS

Though I have to wonder for lil ones growing up if they see Skool often enough ?? ya know ,,I mean if you pronouce it the way it looks it's still the same word
Peoeple who basically know nothing about cars jump online read and read ( and not all they read is correct )
and BANG they are an instant car guru who knows it all and has been theer done that,,kinda like the guys back in school who read HotRod and could rattle off all kinds a BS ,,but be damed if you put a carb in front of them if they knew what to do with it.

Almost feels like you're talking about me :D. Seriously though, I've been reading for the last two-three years and doing only little stuff on cars. Only up until recently have I ever even actually seen the internals of a carb or done anything of the sort people always talk about on these forums. Sometimes you just have to experience things to really understand them.
Almost feels like you're talking about me :D. Seriously though, I've been reading for the last two-three years and doing only little stuff on cars. Only up until recently have I ever even actually seen the internals of a carb or done anything of the sort people always talk about on these forums. Sometimes you just have to experience things to really understand them.

I think she's talking about the people who use their car as a so called "lifestyle" fashion accessory Joe. That's not you is it :D
Now theres a mag called rebel rods, its put out by easyrider, same as osr and ckd, im pretty over the whole scene thing, i was a tattooed greaser before it was cool, now all the guys seem to be changing colors again, off to the next trend, which seems to be this traditional fad, all i can say is build the cars how you want ,and shut up about a name, its all hot rodding, quit trying to label yourselves to be cool., oh ya the mags suck pretty bad these days, i did not renew this time around.
I think she's talking about the people who use their car as a so called "lifestyle" fashion accessory Joe. That's not you is it

:D are you kidding? i'm the lifestyle fashion accessory, at least I think thats why my wife keeps me around :(
I quit buying the mags when they started featuring stock muscle cars instead of hot rods or custom cars. It seemed that every editorial was about products for newer cars, and every how-to article leaned away from rodding and customs. Almost like they believed rodding was dead. It hasn't changed much since then. The mags are mostly Chevy's and Ford's. I remember when everyone had a shot in getting into a mag. And what's with today's 'Lifestyle'? I don't remember any lifestyle. We were all regular guys with regular jobs, and regular families, who had a common bond. Sure, once in a blue moon we'd all be together and whoop it up. But for the most part it was all casual meetings at the car hops. What's with all these tats??? I don't remember any tats. Sailors didn't even have tats like that. Maybe a guy had the name of the ship he was on, or cross with a bleeding heart and a name of a departed loved one. Todays guys and gals don't have tats...They have murals. Back then, rod, custom, drag race, stock, or whatever you built, all hung together. Today, we all hang in cliques and flick snot at each other. I still believe the mags had a lot to do with the way we see rodding today. Instead of a broad spectrum of rodding and allowing the reader to appreciate all forms of rodding, they focused on one form and led the reader into believing that form to be far superior to the rest. And now we're all divided...Hot rod, Rat rod, Jalopy, Gasser, and each division has it's forms. If we're not carefull, soon those forms will be divided. What's the old expression...United we stand, divided we fall...
Yeah the "lifestyle" thing has always thrown me,,these folks act like they are rods 24/7,,lol ,,the only thing you can do 24/7 is jail time,,lol,,but yeah,,,it's liek they gotta have the "uniform" and your denims have to have the cuff rolled up the regulation 3 7/8",,,an obligatory Von Dutch something,,a pomp or Betty page hair do,,,capri pants,,it's all just so silly,,I don't think folks know what Real life is anymore,,everything is a movie or mtv video,,it's shame cause i think in time these trends will end up distorting the actually history of things
I had to quit buying all the mags cause they all seemed to put out the same info. I agree with pretty much everyone. A hotrod is a hotrod, Don't matter what year it is. I'm all about HP and high performance. I am also about handeling, If mine don't handle, It might as well be a boat anchor.
As far as the lifestyle goes, My boots, grease stained and faded jeans and a good comfortable T-shirt will probably never go out of style. That is the way my ole-man raised me.
I picked up a mag the other day called "Garage". I made the mistake of buying it just because of the '40 Ford cabrio on the cover, and an old FED on one of the pages I flipped past. I figured it was a car mag in the vein of OSR or CKD. Wrong.

There was no tech in the mag at all. Mostly interviews with people who I cared little about, like the vato in E.LA who paints lowriders. Very talented, but I doubt I will ever have the Virgin de Guadalupe airbrushed on my hood.

2 things that did stand out. One was the article about Turboniques. This guy was an engineer for Martin/Marietta who made rocket propelled turbos that you could strap to anything back in the 60s and 70s. His rocket/turbo VW beetle smoked Tommy Ivo's 4 engine rig back in the day. The other was an article and interview with Iggy Pop.

The entire magazine was basically on giant ad for the "lifestyle". Not enough focus on any one thing to make it good though. If I want to read about tattooing, I'll buy Tattoo or Savage (I do have a thing for chicks with sleeves:D). If I want music info, I'll buy Rolling Stone or SPIN. This mag tried to stuff 10 pounds of crap into a 5 pound bag.

Just my opinion,

the cuff rolled up the regulation 3 7/8",,, Now miss herself, thats only on the east coast, if your in cali, you must have the manditory 6" cuff.

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