Well guys, here I am falling behind on updates again. I'm still pluggin' away on the house and wishing for good weather.....I'm about to kill the freakin' Groundhog....according to him spring was supposed to be just around the corner but for some reason we've got dumped on at least once a week ever since Groundhog Day!! Got 8 inches last Tue and then it was 70 degrees on Friday.....and now the ground is white and it's snowing as I type.

Enough with the weather grumbling, I've been jumping around to first one thing and then another according to weather, material availability and help so I'm making progress in several areas. I'm gonna throw up a bunch of pics with short captions to catch you up a bit.
The backer board and floor tile arrived on one of those sloppy snowy days....
Driveway was too sloppy for truck but luckily the three wheel fork truck was able to make it in......
....and set everything in front of the front door.
One of my friends from work helped me some on the backer board.....
And my Son-in-law put in a couple days of "Sweat Equity" to help me finish it up....
I kept running into these one inch diameter holes while putting down the backer board???
Ah, I remember.......it rained a time or two when I was framing didn't it! So a little tape over my drain holes....
To keep the thinset from "draining" through.....
And onward with the backer board...
Hang on for more...