Paranormal, Inhuman and Other Mysterious Stuff

Rat Rods Rule

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I have a scary story about the abandoned TB Sanitarium in KC Dr Crank. It was two stories with a morgue in the basement. A circular drive in front with a tree in the middle. So all the kids who want to drink on the west side of MO go to Kansas and drink 3.2 beer when they turn 18. We had this favorite club called the Lakeside Ballroom in Wyandotte county park KS were on Saturday night you could see more familiar faces from school days than you would back in Mo. After 1am closing time and everyone headed back home it got to be popular to stop off and run around in the TB hospital. No cops,no fence no lights,all the windows broken out, glass everywhere. Might be half a dozen cars there at 2 am. One night when the rest of the carload ran inside they did not know i stayed outside and climbed the tree in the middle of the circular drive and just listened to the commotion going on in the hospital.
Before long a '57 Chevy with two couples i recognized as first timers came very slowly around the drive. As they passed under my tree i thought it was a good opportunity to make it a memorable occasion for them. When i let out a long trailing scream two events happened. Brake lights came on,backup lights came on and rubber started burning. In the building the commotion stopped.
I bought the house my friend Frenchy was living in when he died. I hope he's in the garage looking for his 64 chevelle when I'm up late on the computer lol
I don't have his chevelle but I'm waiting for him to get my nova done [;)
I'll try to cut this one down so it isn't too boring to read, it is about fortune tellers,

I had a secretary working for me whose family had tons of money, and she basically worked because she was bored staying at home. Her Dad was a powerful Attorney with offices in Pittsburgh and NYC, and she was telling me he wouldn't go into a trial without consulting this old Italian lady who was a psychic. She said lots of Attorneys did the same thing.

I was interested in knowing the next direction my career should take me so I asked her how I could get an appointment and she told me this lady only took people who someone had recommened, but she would see if she could get me in. A while later she told me that she had gotten me an appointment a few weeks down the road, and that all she had told the lady was my name, nothing else. I believe her because we were very close.

When I showed up for the appointment it was a nice home and the lady was a sweet Italian lady of maybe 70 or so. She sat me down and said "I won't tell you anything bad, like if I see you dying soon, so if there are any areas you want me to stay away from, let me know." I told her there were no limits. She gave me 3 sheets of paper and a pen so I could take notes.

First she did tea leaves, and she started to just talk. It was as if she was reading from a book, by the cadence of her talking. She said, "Watch out for a guy named Joe, he is out to get you." At that time we had no Joe working at the company but a few months later we got a new Vice President and he hated my guts because I supported the guy he replaced. He kept trying to get me fired but my performance saved me each time. His name was JOE !!

Then she went to the cards and started laying them down and said " Oh, I see you have twins !" I asked her how she knew that and she held up a Jack, she said "they were born 11 minutes apart." (Later I told my wife that and said, she was wrong on that because the kids were born 9 minutes apart. My wife said, " No, we have been saying 9 minutes but I just found their birth certificates and they were born 11 minutes apart !" :D

Next thing the lady said was " You are going to sell your home, do not do any more work to it, and you will make a nice profit." 6 months later the Mother of some kids my kids played with came over and asked if we would sell our home because her Daughter was getting divorce and needed a new home. She offered me $ 30,000 more than I would have sold it for, so we sold it to her ! :eek:

Another thing she said was, "I see you with palm trees." Now, we were in Pittsburgh Pa, and that was waaaaaaay out there. After we sold our home I accepted a job in Southern California and one day I was driving down the road and looked up............PALM TREES !!! :eek:

She said so many things that were right on the mark and even named names and dates, only details I could have known. When we moved back to Pa from California a few years later I looked her up to see if I could get another reading, but she had died in the meantime. :( That whole experience was just weird.

Funny you should mention the Sanitorium Doc. I grew up near Waverly Sanitorium, over 62,000 people died there over the years! It is supposed to be one of, if not the most haunted places in America!!
As kids we would sneak up there at night, I never really had too many experiences but I know many who did!
I know people who saw shadow people, half body aperitions, and many more things!!
There have been documentery's and movies made there, believe me when I tell you it is a VERY strange place!!

Oh, I believe you! If you look at the link I posted, your Waverly facility is on there. It seems hospitals, insane asylums and sanitariums are common places for this stuff.

Some are not so famous or haunted at all, unless earthman is up a tree. [cl
A few years ago, I had to go replace a spring on a garage door in a bakery in Sulfur Springs, Arkansas. Used to be a confederate military school. The night watchman meets me as its like 7pm when I get there. Im leaning against the wall and when I pull away my arm is covered in blood. Not mine. Wall is bleeding. Im freaking out, but have a job to do, I talk a lot when im nervous, so having a long discussion with the wathchman. There are voices coming from the break room, but he tells me we are the only ones there and everyone hears things. Well, I leave as fast as I can finsh the job, but am met at the gate by a local cop. I tell him that I was fixing the door, and the watchman knew about it. He told me that there hadnt been a watchman there in 15 years, since the last one died. I dont know if they were messing with me, but I do know I havent gone back.
I'm a bit of a skeptic with most ghost/paranormal stories, although I have had a few things happen that I can not really explain.

I would have been about 13-14 at the time, was staying at a friends house out in the country for the weekend. The next farm to them was abandoned long before and boarded up and locked, and the next farm to that was a girl we knew from school. So we snuck out late the one night and biked up the road to the girls house. On the way home that night as we were passing the old house, for some reason we both stopped at the same time, and just as we did the front door of the house flew open, with a huge bang. Both of us tucked tail and ran, think the bikes both left rubber on the gravel that night. The next morning he convinced me to go over there with him. Front had a really old and really heavy iron padlock on it, still locked. He has some convincing to do but we climbed in the back window and walked around. Everything was ok, no abnormal things happened, about the weirdest thing was in what I assume was the livin room was a bible sitting in the middle of the room. Nothing was in the entire house except some old white curtains and a bible in the middle of the room.
Bump in the night

Yes my house is a little wears sometimes. One day my wife was getting ready to tell me a story and started with " do you want to hear something freaky ?" right as she said that all of the dishes flew on the floor. We were sitting in the living room. Any ways she was gonna tell me that after I left to work it felt like someone had jumped on her . Well that's one of our stories , for now
Wow, I'm kinda surprised by 7 pages of posts on this.

My paranormal experiences go back to when I was just 5 or 6 years old. My grandfather (dad's dad) passed away, and both my mom & I had a dream about it. We were woke up early in the morning by someone knocking on the door to tell us that he did, in fact, pass away in the middle of the night.

My mom was estranged from her family most of her life, I guess you could say she was the black sheep of the family. We lived in TX, and they're all up in Minnesota. One day I'm in school, maybe 2nd grade? perhaps? and my dad comes and pulls me out of class & says they're going on a trip and I'll be staying with my grandmother in Iowa for a few days. I'm not told anything else, so I have no idea what's going on. We're making a flying trip north, and I'm asleep in the back seat of the car. I wake up, it's night, and I go to pop up over the back of the front seat to say something. I glance into the rear view mirror, and I see a white ghostly image of my grandfather staring back at me. It completely gave me the creeps, to this day the image it still burned into my head. I knew at that moment that he was gone and they were going to the funeral.

My father and I were very close, he raised me after mom left and even after I was out of college & working we continued to live together. He was my best friend. In late 2005 he was diagnosed with cancer and I started liquidating all my stuff to help cover costs. For a while we thought it was going to be okay, but the cancer came back worse than before. I had numerous complaints with some of the doctors at the hospital during the last week of his life, and therefor I was barred from visiting the ICU, even on the last day. So I'm at home, trying to catch a nap because I'm exhausted from everything, and I'm suddenly wide awake and overcome with this feeling of warmth and calm and I hear my dad speak to me inside my head saying "it's okay". About 30 seconds later I got a call from the hospital telling me that he'd just passed.

One of my dad's favorite cars was this 86 Daytona turbo Z C/S that we bought in 1990 when I was barely in high school. He loved that car, and we took many trips in it over the years and I drove it the last couple years I was in school. Then it sat in storage from 1997 until the middle of 2005 when we pulled it out and put it back on the road. My dad even drove it to Wisconsin that summer for his high school reunion before he started getting sick. To this day when I get in that car I'm overcome with warmth and can literally feel him sitting there next to me.

I have many other stories, and because of all the experiences I've had I've been an avid paranormal researcher for a long time now. I'm also fascinated with cryptozoology, UFO's, and all kinds of other stuff. Growing up I always had premonitions/precognition/ESP/whatever you want to call it. I pick up my phone before it rings. I start singing a song, turn on a radio, scan, and it'll stop on the song I'm singing. Happens all the time.

I can walk into a place and generally feel if there's activity there. I've been to places where I've seen shadow figures, unexplained movements, noises that defy explanation, and all kinds of creepy weird things. Perhaps later I'll write up a couple more stories.

I know where there is a 1985 Daytona Turbo-Z for sale....original owner, triple black, new lowers...not sure what that tires, leather interior, solid, needs "minor" repair..1500 or best offer...Interested...not mine, was in the swapmeet section of the latest Cruisnews publication....

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