Pet peeve

Rat Rods Rule

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yesterday i heard hot/rat rods and motorcycles described as mechanical folk art.
i like that term.
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"Rat" has become a little bit of catch-all for non-conventional. I'm good with that. It is the original basis for hot rodding. For me it is still about craftsmanship and performance with what's available;"

Well said Truckster.

No two are alike, each one is as individual as the builder. They are a combination of performance and art. People at the shows love to stand around and point out all the different little things on a Rat that the owner used to build it. I could afford to paint mine and put 5 coats of clear on it when I am done but I sold my "car show" project to build something to make people smile and give me the freedom to think outside of the box........I have no respect for "the box".:D
The rant

As in any form of art there is a group that is cutting edge in the areas of quality and design, and there is a group of lazy artists that do just enough to sneak into the crowd by name only, then there are those somewhere in varying degrees of the middle, that, although they may not be quite as gifted, do not lack for passion or effort in the outlet they have chosen to use as their personal canvas. They challenge themselves to hone and sharpen their talents, understanding that the fear is too expensive, failure is something to learn from, not something be ashamed of and that not just knowledge, but the implementation of that knowledge are doors to free the imagination.

It is this group - the middle - that breathe the passion into this hobby, by not allowing the lower to drag it down, while holding themselves to a higher standard and giving a hand up to those to strive to do better and know more.

The shame is that, as in any group, the derogatory label usually comes from the lowest common denominator. As long as we have pride in what we do, do each thing the right way and to the best of our ability and are kind to those that just don't get it, we will (eventually) win their respect.

But yeah, it frustrating.

Lots of right on , good thoughts have been expressed . The key word seems to be " NICE " , Nice too me is something that pleases my eye , how much it cost to achieve that look is really irrelevant .That's what makes ratroding so exciting, that special look can be achieved with out a large cash out lay . I have looked at quite a few high dollar cars that somehow missed having the look . Creating the "look" is indeed an art form . I for one look at each vehicle at a show one at a time , I don't care if I have seen a dozen or more cars with red wheels , I still can find red wheels exciting and cool when attached to a vehicle that has the " look " . Call em jalopys ,hotrods, or whatever, I know one when I see it .

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