Hostage Negotiator
Sounds like some of you have some anger issues........
I'll be there Saturday. Don't know if I'll stay for Sunday yet.Absolutly. It was the Primer Nationals last year that lit my fire.
I'm with you. Who cares what they are doing. I was really sick of Anna Nichol Smith.Oh, you guys just reminded me of 3 more pet peeves: Paris Hilton, Nichol Richie, and that other little bimbo Lindsay Lohan, who can't keep her face out of the nose candy. Are we really that hard up for news that we have to see endless hours of the latest gossip on these three?????????
I'm with you. Who cares what they are doing. I was really sick of Anna Nichol Smith.
Oh, you guys just reminded me of 3 more pet peeves: Paris Hilton, Nichol Richie, and that other little bimbo Lindsay Lohan, who can't keep her face out of the nose candy. Are we really that hard up for news that we have to see endless hours of the latest gossip on these three?????????
Note to self: Strike Don off the Paris Hilton 2008 calendar list!
Tooooo skinny for my tastes.Eh, let's not get hasty here.......after all, she is a hottie. I'm just tired of hearing about her antics. I bet the Sistas got a good hoot when Paris was getting all that press about being a jailbird.
Does your local P.D. have a reserve force? In my area, they mostly write tickets or accident reports. Theres also a reserve Search & Rescue and Posse.J
I think there is something like a thousand dollar fine for doing it, but I have never heard of anyone getting a ticket. Wish I were a cop, I would be writing them up left and right.